Shopping spree

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Negan and Blake had narrowly made it out of there.

Even with Lucille working overtime, and Blake using the large hunting knife in her hand to the best of her skilled abilities, the pair had almost been caught out a couple of times on their exit out of the narrow, fitting-room hallway.

It seemed as though every walker from the abandoned little row of stores must have followed them in here, and it took both adults more time than they would have liked to fight their way back into the shop floor of the department store, leaving a large pile of bodies behind them from the dead they had struck down and defeated.

Blake gave a breathless laugh, her body pumped with adrenaline as she dodged out of the way of a biter as it lunged, snapping its jaws at her.

"Not exactly the shopping spree you promised me..." she murmured out in a teasing voice, as Negan beside her took out the walker with a grunt, his face fixed into a hard scowl as he did so.

"Well shit, Darlin', I still think this is the best damn date we've had in a while," Negan growled back, flashing the blonde a dazzling grin.

Blake would have rolled her eyes at his comment, if it wasn't for the sight of three or so more rotters, obviously having heard the commotion inside the building, making their way through the broken front window of the store towards them, gnashing their jaws hungrily as they went.

"Come on," Blake muttered, tugging at Negan's sleeve and leading them towards the rear of the store.

There had to be another way out of here that didn't involve battling yet another load of the dead.

Negan stuck close to her, keeping quiet, but still retaining that same old swagger he seemed to exude from every pore.

She could feel his gloved hand on the small of her back now as they headed toward a small door just behind a long set of cash registers, Blake chancing a glance over her shoulder as she did so.

"You think there's many more of them?" she said, sounding perhaps a little worried.

This was supposed to have been a quick stop off at this place, and yet here they were, heading deeper into this godforsaken store looking for a safer exit. One that wasn't going to get them bitten with any hope.

"Don' look like a herd...." Negan growled out, darkly. "...not yet, anyway."

He gave the door ahead of them a shove open, taking a step back and waiting cautiously for any emerging walkers.

But the room the door led into seemed thankfully, empty, allowing the pair to head inside a small darkened hallway, easing the door shut behind them.

"I hope there a way out back here or else we've just cornered ourselves..." Blake mumbled, chewing on her lip distractedly, as they pushed forwards, her green eyes searching around the small space, filled with nothing but a couple of broken chairs and a filing cabinet turned onto its side.

But Negan just eased out a relaxed sigh.

"It'll be fine, Peaches. Hell this damn store has gotta have a back entrance for deliveries an' shit like that, they all do," he said falling into step with her now as she peered around the door at the end of the short hallway.

The next room was a far larger space, probably once upon a time being a stock room. But now the big room, filled with metal shelves of varying heights, had very little in it, save for a few empty boxes strewn about.

"Shit, are you really tellin' me that a goddamn store as big as this motherfucker has nothin' left in it?" said the tall Saviour sounding a little put out, his boot colliding with an empty and torn cardboard box, giving it a frustrated kick.

I think I liked you better when you didn't have a knife in your hand, PeachesWhere stories live. Discover now