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Within twenty minutes....with plenty of hungover grumbling later, Blake had managed to drag herself from her bed, down the aspirin that Negan had left for her, grabbed a quick shower, washed her hair, brushed her teeth and shucked on a fresh set of clothes.

Blake opened her closet door, now up and fully dressed, to find a long floor length mirror attached to the inside. She stared at herself as she did up the buttons of her fresh, loose, white blouse.

She didn't look as bad as she first thought. Perhaps still a little green around the gills but fairly ok. Her long damp caramel hair was pushed back over her shoulders and she had on a pair of tight fitting dark navy jeans and sneakers.

These had been the first pair of tennis shoes she had put on in a long time and they instantly felt far more comfortable to her than her usual hard-wearing walking boots did. But she certainly didn't want to get too used to this lifestyle. Just because Negan was trying to...charm her, for some reason...that did not mean she could trust him. This couldn't be just that easy. Could it?

She blinked a couple of time staring up into her large green eyes, reflected in the mirror. She was convinced she didn't look like the same person anymore. She had changed so much in such a short space of time and that had nothing to do with weight-loss or diet.....this was because of what she had seen out there....and what she could never forget.

She dragged her eyes away from the mirror, shutting the closet door with a clang, just as there came a brief knock at the door.

But this was not the loud bashing of Negan, she knew that for sure. This was softer, more tentative.

Blake strolled across the room, tucking her long hair behind her ear as she did so, before hauling open the door, her lips pursed.

Standing there was Dwight, looking back at her blankly, knife at his belt and that same old awful scar lingering across his cheek.

"Negan wants to see you downstairs," he uttered matter-of-factly, his gaze only meeting with hers for the slightest of seconds, before he tore his eyes away.

Blake knew she had no choice in the matter but to follow him, and so, shutting the door behind her, she headed out into the corridor following Dwight.

The pair walked in silence for a moment or two, before Blake suddenly chanced a glance up at Dwight.

"How long have you been here?" she asked a little cautiously, chewing on her lip.

For a long second Dwight didn't answer her, until-

"Ten months," he uttered in a hollow voice, his eyes never leaving the hallway ahead of him.

Blake's eyes travelled down to the floor before looking back up to him finally.

"You came here alone?" she asked in a quiet voice as they rounded a corner and headed through a door which came out on top of a long circular staircase Blake recognised from yesterday.

Again, Dwight didn't answer for a long moment before he finally let out a curt- "No."

And Blake could tell that that was the end of that conversation. Dwight's jaw was clenched and he looked angry discussing this with her. So she didn't push the matter any further as they ambled slowly down the long staircase, before finally reaching the bottom.

"Through here," Dwight muttered after a second later, as Blake led the way, making to go down the second staircase they approached, but instead Dwight held open a door on their right for her to pass through, leading them in a direction Blake had not been before.

She looked at Dwight a little unsurely before walking into a large spacious room.

The room was bright, surrounded by dusty stained glass window panes. It was alive with hustle and bustle of Saviours going about their business, decked out like some sort of huge marketplace, with lots of trestle tables set up with salvaged wares, as well as what looked like various food items and medical supplies.

I think I liked you better when you didn't have a knife in your hand, PeachesWhere stories live. Discover now