A title I could get behind

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Blake awoke to a soft, warm sunlight trickling gently over her face. It was supposed to have been raining today, but it seemed as though the rain had passed through overnight, leaving nothing but a clear, bright day ahead.

The caramel-blonde woman smiled to herself, grizzling her face into the fluffy pillow beneath her head and let out a small purr of contentment, soon feeling two strong arms drift their way lazily around her body.

"Mornin', Peaches..." hummed a low, gravelly voice into her mussed-up hair, as the hands pulled her back with a sharp tug into a firm body behind her.


She could smell him...that heady musky scent that made her want to submit to him so badly...that primal feeling of 'him being hers' overwhelming her now.

But Blake gave another soft groan out, feeling almost at once, Negan's stiff erection press up against her ass.

"That how you say good morning, huh?" she murmured softly, opening a single bleary eye and peering at him over her shoulder.

There he was this morning, looking husky, baring his wide, white teeth in a devilish grin, as his lips reached her bare shoulder, pressing a single kiss to her warm, smooth skin.

"You fuckin' complainin', Darlin?" he growled, as his mouth reached the space between her neck and shoulder, kissing oh-so deliciously slowly there, making Blake roll her eyes back into her head and give a pleasurable shiver.

She smirked to herself now, biting down onto her lip.

She certainly wasn't complaining...

And that was proved by Blake shoving her body backwards and grinding her ass against Negan's swollen member.

He gave a throaty grunt in reaction to this, but Blake was unrelenting, doing it again.

She was fully aware of how precarious the situation was, with both of them naked beneath the tangle of sheets.

Right now ANYHING could happen....

And it wasn't long before it did, with Blake unable to resist.....lifting herself up a little, and allowing Negan to give his cock a swift few pumps, before positioning it at her entrance from behind.

Blake could already feel her chest tightening and her breathing become shallow in her throat.

God she wanted him so much.

'Four times in twenty four hours' much, in fact!

And right now, feeling herself slide herself down onto his throbbing dick, was no less wanted that the three other times that had had sex since this time yesterday morning.

That feeling of desperation....of longing....of being unable to keep their hands off one another.

Blake let out a soft moan, as Negan held her taut body in place by her hips, thrusting up gently into her.

It was as though both of them were still half-asleep, lost in a wonderful and pleasurable dream...as whispers of hot breaths and moans, filled the sunny bedroom.

It felt so good to have him inside of her now, fucking her from behind....

But these slow and languid strokes lasted for only a few moments, as both of them almost frustrated at the easy pace, feeling things gradually heating between them...

...and so it was no surprise, that, slipping his cock from her for a brief couple of seconds, Negan, grabbing Blake a little roughly, flipped her forwards against the mattress (as she gave a playful squeal), and sat up against his knees, positioning himself once against at her hot, wet entrance, before letting out a groan, burying himself in her hot folds.

I think I liked you better when you didn't have a knife in your hand, PeachesWhere stories live. Discover now