The wake up call

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Blake gave a sleepy frown, at the sudden noise waking her from her sleep.

BANG BANG BANG- came the noise again, unrelenting...each thud sending a piercing pain shooting through her skull.

She gave a groan and buried her face further into the pillow.

It was morning already. And despite having had at least ten hours sleep, Blake felt as rough as anything. She knew that she was still in the clothes she had been wearing yesterday, lying on top of her bedsheets, having just collapsed here the previous night.

BANG BANG BANG- came the noise again, louder this time.

"Go away," Blake managed to murmur, scrunching up her face and turning her head away from the noise.

But it was only a second later, that she heard her door swing open, and a couple of heavy footsteps strut their way into the room.

"Wakey, wakey, rise and shine, Buttercup," came the wholly recognisable voice of Negan.

But this only caused Blake to let out another frown.

Her head was pounding and her mouth was as dry as anything, and as she opened one bleary eye, the light from her undraped window hit her face, causing her to feel at least ten times worse.

She grasped up her pillow, placing it over her head, closing her eyes once more.

But this only made Negan chuckle and bash, what was likely Lucille, against her open door once again.

It took Blake a moment or two to remember just why she felt so hungover right now.

Last night she had downed a couple of glasses of whiskey in a matter of minutes. And considering she hadn't drunk even a drop of alcohol in almost three years it wasn't surprising that she felt so worse for wear this morning.

"Well look. at. you. Aren't you a sight for sore eyes, and still in last night's clothes too," uttered Negan in an obnoxiously loud voice, letting out a carrying whistle and yet another chuckle.

"Stop," murmured Blake in a croaky voice, giving a moan of pain as she pinched the bridge of her nose with her fingers. "I already feel like shit. There's no need to make me feel worse."

She suddenly felt the mattress sink slightly, the springs creaking gently as a soft weight sank down beside her.

At this Blake let out another grizzled groan.

"Well fuck. me, Peaches. I mean, I did warn you to slow down," came the voice of Negan, closer now.

Blake scowled, suddenly raising her head from beneath the pillow, turning and shooting him a furious look.

"Well I obviously needed a drink after the couple of days I've had," she snapped irritably. But Negan just gave a gruff laugh. "I was brought here without my knowing, thrown in a cell and on top of everything, I've had to deal with you."

She looked Negan up and down. Today he was still in that old and battered leather jacket thrown over a grey t-shirt, with his beard looking as scrubby and as haphazard as ever. Lucille of course, hung limply from his hand, as it always did.

"Ex-fuckin'-cuse me, Doll-face," he said in a sudden loud voice, that grin still lingering at his lips, looking almost impressed by her sass. "You can blame your oh-so-fuckin' perfect boyfriend for bringing you here against your fuckin' will. Not me!"

Blake eyed him for a long second, before letting out an annoyed huff.

"Well, whatever," she muttered, rubbing at her face with her hand and propping herself up onto her elbows. "What do you want anyway?"

Negan ran his tongue over his line of perfect white teeth smiling at her.

"I just thought we could take a walk..." he said titling his head slightly. "Thought I could give you the grand tour, now that I can trust that you won't try to use poor old Lucille on me again."

Blake's lips twitched up into a smirk as she pulled herself up into a sitting position. "And how do you know that?" she said raising an eyebrow towards him bemusedly.

Negan stared at her hard for a second, before easing himself off of the bed and getting to his feet once again.

"Oh baby, I know you better than you think," he said grinning down at her. He suddenly glanced towards the door where Dwight was stood and nodded for him to come inside.

Dwight, of course, did as he was told, his eyes on the floor, not looking at Negan or at Blake.

He merely walked over to her nightstand, placing down a bottle of water and two tiny white pills that looked like aspirin.

"Here's a little somethin' for your sore head," uttered Negan nodding. "See you in thirty, Buttercup."

And with that, before Blake could say another word, Negan walked back out of the room followed swiftly by Dwight, both men closing the door behind them.

She stared after Nagan for a short moment, before immediately throwing a hand across her face, giving a huge groan, and falling back against the mattress once more.

Maybe she would have just five minutes more sleep.

But before she had the chance to drift off again, there came another BANG BANG BANG against the door causing her to scrunch up her face, wincing.

"Get up, Peaches!" came Negan's loud, calling voice through the door. "Do not make me ask twice!"

Blake instantly gave an angry huff, before opening her eyes once again in annoyance and tugging herself grumpily to her feet.

God, she hated that man sometimes. She really, really did....

I think I liked you better when you didn't have a knife in your hand, PeachesWhere stories live. Discover now