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Blake placed the plate full of pizza down on her bed, picking up a slice.

It was of course, as Negan had said, hot, and the smell of melting cheese was already making her mouth water.

She had not had pizza since the world had gone to shit...and it was the one thing, more than anything else, that she craved on a daily basis.

But she never thought in a million years, she would ever actually get to have it again.

She slowly took a bite...and could have almost cried with happiness.

It tasted better than she remembered, with stringy cheese and hot, spicy pepperoni.

Blake closed her eyes, feeling almost euphoric.

She had not felt this happy in a good while, and before she could stop herself, she fell back onto the mattress of her bed, giving a laugh and shaking her head.

The pizza was so good and it was crazy to her, than not only had Negan given her this, but also a TV with a couple of movies too.

She opened her eyes, taking another bite of pizza before turning onto her side and propping herself up onto her elbow, before pulling the two VHS tapes towards her.

They looked ancient and well worn, but Blake could make out two titles, written on the side in marker- GHOSTBUSTERS and JAWS.

She gave a smile, biting at her lip, before letting out a laugh to herself.

How had this happened to her?

She could have been dead by now. Negan could have killed her at least ten times over. But he hadn't. He had kept her alive. And not only that, but he had gifted her this too.

This wonderful thing, that she doubted many people made use of in this world.

But the smile slipped from Blake's face as she remembered.

All her happiness right now, it was all at someone else's expense.

Negan didn't get that blood on his t-shirt by accident.

She felt bad, of course she did....but would one movie hurt right now?

Then tomorrow she could take the TV down to the communal yard perhaps....so that people could share it...

Would Negan allow her to do that?

But Blake pursed her lips, tutting at herself. Since when did she care what Negan would allow her to do? She would try it anyway.

Blake sat up once again, picking up the plate of pizza and getting to her feet.

She strolled across the large room, in her socks, finally placing the plate down onto a small side table and picking up one of the videos and bending down, placing it neatly into the VCR.

The machine instantly whirred for a lengthy moment, before beginning to play the movie...a recorded from the TV version of JAWS.

Blake smiled, as she watched the title pictures pop up onto the screen.

It had been so, so long since she had seen anything like this...and even the blurry pictures, to her, looked incredible.

But before Blake could watch, mesmerized, any longer, there came a sudden bashing on her door.

She gave a frown, pausing the movie for a moment, before rolling her eyes and letting out a bemused huff.

She knew it would probably be Negan again....ready to tease her endlessly, and likely try and invite himself in to watch the movie. Part of her almost picturing him turning up with popcorn and some milk duds....trying to be funny, as usual.

I think I liked you better when you didn't have a knife in your hand, PeachesWhere stories live. Discover now