The New Guy

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The weeks drifted by, with the crisp chill of Fall slowly slipping into the harsh cold of Winter.

Life at the Sanctuary had gone on as normal after Negan's run in with Simon. With the mustachioed man keeping a very low profile for a long while, before sliding back into the pack almost like nothing had happened, paying his dues silently, by going on runs and helping out whenever he could.

Everyone, including Simon, knew that he was far from forgiven for what he had tried to do, but the fact that he hadn't had his head bludgeoned by Lucille could only have been a good thing. And the whispers that Negan was 'going soft' soon dissipated to nothing.

But even so, no one here could deny that Blake's influence on the dark haired leader had not had an impact on the place. For the Sanctuary, despite another hard Winter setting in, seemed to be thriving. With a bounty of fresh food, properly stored and rationed, from the gardens, as well as the usual tributes coming in, the Saviours were better fed than ever before, going to bed with full stomachs and smiles on their faces.

This seemed, these days, far from the regime it may have presented as once upon a time, and far more a community, a family, a support system now.

Feeling happier and more content with Sanctuary life, almost every resident seemed to want to put back in. Whether it was those finding the time to make blankets or clothes, those who cleaned and kept the place tidy, or even those who went out on runs. It was like they all wanted to better the place, to play their part in making it a home for everyone.

And Negan had played his part too.

Not just in being a leader and keeping control, but ever since he and Blake had arrived back with a truckload of needy people looking for a place to live safely, Negan had been far more willing to open the gates again to certain folks in need of a home, found out there on the road.

And the sheer influx of new people had brought happiness in its own right to the Sanctuary. More chatter, more new relationships, halting the boredom of what once was.

Frankie had been seeing a handsome new guy named Sam for a couple of weeks now. And even Layla had been flirting up a storm with a few of the women that Dwight had brought back from a run.

Life at the Sanctuary seemed to be changing, but for the better this time.

To Blake, she and Negan were closer than ever. Both of them able to read each other so well these days.

The sex was good.

Family time spent together with Mia was good.

And both were more in love with the other than ever before, with everything feeling like it was finally falling into place for both of them.

And not having Simon at hand as much, meant that Negan had poured most of his trust into the blonde woman, asking her advice when he needed it, valuing her ideas and guidance that much. Even if he did try and dance around asking her directly on each and every occasion, playing it cool as he always did. But Blake was well aware how many ideas of hers were often implemented only the next day.

...A rota system for the kitchens so that families could get their turn to make their own food together every once in a while...

...Turning the unused garages at the back of the Sanctuary into a winter home for a couple of baby goats they had found several weeks ago with room to expand if any more livestock was found...

They were small things. But to the people of the Sanctuary they had a big impact. And Negan was fully aware of how much the Sanctuary residents loved Blake, speaking to, and about her, with such fondness in their voices, something Negan had never ever had from his people.

I think I liked you better when you didn't have a knife in your hand, PeachesWhere stories live. Discover now