An eye for an eye

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Rosita could still feel her heart thudding in her chest as she parked her car up just a few hundred feet from the large looming gates of Alexandria.

Hurriedly switching off her engine, she took in a deep breath of air, before suddenly giving a short, sharp cry and bashing her fist against the steering wheel.

What the hell had she done?

Her stupidity was going to come around and bite her on the ass, and she could do nothing to stop it.

A sob escaped her lips as she leaned forwards against the steering wheel, wanting to kick herself for doing something so utterly idiotic.

Blake could be dead, and that made Rosita no better than Negan now.

She had been so set of revenge of any kind, that she had forgotten how close she and Blake once had been. They had been friends. They had had dinner together. Laughed and joked with one another...

And now she could be gone....dead. All because Rosita had a vendetta on her mind that she could just not leave alone.

She hung her head painfully, tears slipping from her eyes , just as there came a sudden knocking on the glass at her side causing her to almost jump out of her skin in fright.

She looked quickly around now, to see Sasha stood there staring down at her, looking bewildered.


Rosita knew she couldn't wipe the tears away fast enough, as Sasha's brown eyes travelled over her upset features.

"R-Rosita, what is it? W-What's' happened?" she asked, giving the door handle a tug open.

But Rosita didn't move, merely staring up at Sasha with tears of frustration lingering on her cheeks.

"I've done something...." gulped Rosita, shaking her head. "...something so stupid."

And at her look, Sasha hovered for a moment before finally holding out her hand for Rosita to take.

"Come on," she said looking this way and that. "Let's get you out of here and you can tell me everything."

Negan wrapped his fingers against the smooth handle of Lucille as his black eyes stared up at the road stretching out ahead of him.

He hadn't uttered a single word to anyone, giving his last few orders back before leaving the Sanctuary, little over an hour ago. Yet his nerves were no more calmed than they were back then..

Negan had never felt so angry.

His chest was tight, his jaw was clenched, and he could see nothing ahead of him but an oncoming darkness. A darkness he hadn't seen since he had lost Lucille.

The rest of the Saviours, piled into the truck beside him, obviously sensed this tension too, avoiding his eye as best they could.

It of course, hadn't taken his men long to radio back from doing a thorough search of the area surrounding the Sanctuary lots, letting Negan know that they had found nothing but a pair of tire tracks that led back onto the main road.

The main road that led directly to three places that Negan knew pretty well indeed....

A burning fury and malice seemed to be raging within him now, the likes of which he had never felt before.

He wanted revenge...payback for what had been done, finding it hard to concentrate on little else as the seconds and minutes ticked by.

In the back of his mind, he kept repeating the words to himself over and over...'She's fine'...'She's ok'. But not even that could stop this ever-bubbling rage from spilling over into the forefront of his thoughts.

I think I liked you better when you didn't have a knife in your hand, PeachesWhere stories live. Discover now