Cold mornings and rooftops

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Blake gave a small groan as her eyes flickered slowly open.

It was early morning. So early in fact, that the sun was not yet up, but a strained white cloud sat heavy and pale across the sky.

Blake's entire body right now felt stiff and achy and utterly freezing, and it took her a moment or two to realise just why she was outside, her entire body shivering with cold.

She lifted her head a little, every part of her body, including her neck feeling sore and bruised now, as she turned to look at the soft body she was curled up neatly into.

There he was, lying on his back, eyes closed, his arm still thrown lazily around her, still in that dusty old leather jacket of his...looking far less-exhausted now than he had done last night.

But Blake's gaze soon flickered across to her own body. This morning, she had one edge of the tartan blanket pulled around her, but even that wasn't helping her to feel any warmer, as she gritted her teeth together just as they began to chatter.

Had the pair of them really been so stupid as to sleep out here all night?


Maybe a few months ago when she was sleeping in barns and broken down cars each night on the road, she would have managed a night on a cold roof, but not now. She had certainly grown accustomed to sleeping in a nice comfy, warm bed these days, that was for sure!

But Blake's thoughts were suddenly disturbed, by Negan stirring suddenly at her side.

She looked groggily over, to see a deep frown shifting its way between the man's dark eyebrows, a groan emitting from his lips.

"Jeeeesus fucking Chriiist..." he murmured in what was barely a growl, lifting his hand up and running it down his bearded face.

He too, blinked his eyes open, as Blake pulled herself up into a sitting position and running her fingers through her mussed-up caramel blonde hair, staring out bleary-eyed at the stark-quietness all around.

The kerosene lamp by the looks of it had long-since gone out behind them, leaving only a white early-morning chill to the entire rooftop.

Negan sat up beside her, groaning again and pressing a hand to his side scowling down into his lap.

"Fuck me, are you fuckin' tellin' me I put my goddamn back out and didn't even get laid doin' it?" he huffed, sounding severely irritable right now.

Blake wanted to roll her eyes, but still feeling a little delirious, merely blinked several times, attempting to pull her flannel shirt tighter around herself.

She wasn't quite sure if it was really that cold out here, or perhaps just the fact that her body temperature had dropped while sleeping? But either way, Blake was freezing, her skin almost icy to the touch.

And so, it was not a second later than she had pushed herself to her feet, crossing her arms over her chest, giving a wincing shiver.

She needed to go inside. She was certainly awake now....but could definitely go for perhaps a nap somewhere warm and cosy....mmmm...that definitely sounded good right about now.

Negan, who looked half-asleep himself, stared up at her with squinted eyes, before clambering stiffly to his own feet.

But, feeling wholly disoriented and a little dazed because of the cold, Blake barely noticed him eye her groggily.

And it was only a second later, drawing her attention up to him almost instantly, Negan placed his hands to her arms, frowning hard down at her.

"Shit, Sweetheart," he commented suddenly. "You're fuckin' freezin'."

I think I liked you better when you didn't have a knife in your hand, PeachesWhere stories live. Discover now