The warmest sunlight

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Negan woke with a small start, blinking his eyes open and letting out a long puff of air, almost as though he had been holding his breath for hours.

The canopy above him was already bathed in a warm Fall sunlight, and looked like a daydream with the lightest dust particles floating in the bright and airy space above him.

Negan shifted his long legs beneath the bedsheets, smacking his dry lips together and turning his head to the side, more than expecting to see both his gorgeous girls lying there beside him.

But the dark haired Saviour gave a small frown, seeing at once that the bed next to him was empty, leaving nothing but rumpled white bedclothes to his side.

A wave of sudden panic flooded his body almost immediately, and he pulled himself up into a sitting position with a startled jerk, staring quickly around.

But he needn't have looked far, as to his utter relief, he instantly spotted Blake standing in front of the mirror, just inside his closet door, tying her hair up into a long and neat ponytail.

Her green eyes met with his in the reflection in the mirror and he noticed her give a soft smile.

"Morning," she said in a gentle voice. "Or should I say, afternoon."

Negan glanced around, lifting his tanned hand and running his fingers through his tousled dark hair.

"What time is it?" he asked in a low, hoarse-sounding voice.

But Blake turned to him now, lowering her hands from her hair.

"Almost noon," she murmured, picking up a steaming mug from the table in the centre of the room and padding over to the bed, placing it onto Negan's nightstand. "Luckily you're coffee's still hot."

The dark-haired Saviour's eyes flickered over Blake's face as she came to perch on the mattress beside him.

She looked far more her normal self today than she had yesterday, dressed in blue jeans and a white tshirt, and there was something more settled about the way she held herself. Like the weight of the world had been lessened from her shoulders overnight.

"You're a damn angel, you know that, Darlin'," Negan murmured, blinking at her in awe.

For she was.

She was heaven to him, through and through. And no matter what happened in their lives she would always be that to him. The light to his darkness. His own fucking saviour here.

"I know," she replied back lightly, with a teasing shrug of her shoulders.

At this Negan grinned at her, bringing his knees up slightly beneath the sheet and coming to rest his forearms against them.

"So fuckin' modest," he commented back with a smirk, lifting his chin a little. "That's what I like about you."

Blake pursed her lips, shaking her head back at him bemusedly, as Negan gave a look over her shoulder, seeing that the room was empty save for the two of them.

"Pipsqueak alright?" he enquired easily, as Blake gave a nod.

"Yhhhm," we've had a busy morning while you've been asleep," she said in a goading voice. "She had a bath, we had breakfast, we painted for a little while and then I took her back up to the girls for the day."

Negan cocked his head, staring at Blake, his smile diminishing a little.

"You should be fuckin' restin', Sweetheart," he said with a small frown of concern.

But Blake merely shook her head.

"I'm fine," she said in a quiet voice. "I'm happy to be keeping busy."

I think I liked you better when you didn't have a knife in your hand, PeachesWhere stories live. Discover now