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Blake rolled her eyes, glancing up at the clock.

It was 9.36 at night and Blake had been sat here, on a smart grey couch inside Rick's house for the past twenty minutes, her elbow propped up on the arm of the chair, resting her head against her hand tiredly.

"Look I've told you..." she sighed. "They kept me in a cell most of the time. I didn't see anything."

It was a blatant lie. But Blake wasn't quite ready to sell Negan out just yet...a dull ache tugging at her stomach, as her mind once again flickered to him.

Him and the rest of the Saviours had probably just about made it back the Sanctuary by now. Maybe Negan had gone in to see his wives, taken one of them by the hand and pulled them toward his bedroom. Or maybe he was sleeping alone tonight. Either way, Blake felt a bitter sting of pain and jealously as she thought on the dark-haired leader of the Saviours.

Rick and Michonne, who were now sitting on a couch opposite hers, perching on the edge of their seat, hands cupped between their knees, glanced at each other. A gesture which Blake, of course, caught.

They didn't believe her, that was obvious, but Blake would play along if that's what it took.

Why would she reveal the extent of her relationship with Negan now? It was over anyway before it had even begun.

She looked up lazily, to see Tara stood leaning up against a wall, beside a pacing Rosita, in a cap pulled down over her scowling face.

"And how did you escape?" the latter snapped, suddenly turning towards Blake and stopping in her tracks.

But Blake just gave a sigh, her eyes drifting uninterestedly down to her jeans.

"I didn't. They let me go," she said matter-of-factly, as Rick scooted forward even further in his seat, staring up at her.

"Look I understand that this is hard for you," he said in that raspy sort-of drawl of his, peering up at her. "I know that they probably did a lot of horrible things to you back there. But it's ok. You're safe now. And whatever you can tell us about Negan; about the'll help us."

But Blake looked up at him, crossing her legs and raising eyebrow in his direction.

"What makes you think I know anything?" she said in a slow incredulous tone. But before she could utter another word Michonne cut in.

"Blake, if you tell us what you know, we can go back there....we can try and get David out....and Eugene too...." said the black woman with a hint of concern in her eyes.

But Blake's green eyes suddenly shot towards Michonne, a frown twitching its way between her brows.

"David's dead," she uttered coldly. "And Eugene? Well, Eugene's happy there. In fact, he doesn't want to leave."

She knew that this would rile up the people sat in front of her, and she was right. For in an instant all the figures before her, glanced at one another, as though a little unsure of what to do with all that information.

And it was a moment before Rick, shook his head.

"I'm sorry about David," he said looking down at the floor. "He was a good guy-"

"No he wasn't," said Blake suddenly, starkly and abruptly cutting across Rick.

Everyone right at that moment was staring at her, and Blake could feel her heart pounding like a drumbeat in her chest, a heat rising in her cheeks but she didn't care...

"He hit me, he abused me....called me things you wouldn't even call a dog..." she said with an angry snarl, her voice raising slightly. "...and no one here even noticed. So, no, you're wrong Rick. He wasn't a 'good guy'. He was never a good guy."

I think I liked you better when you didn't have a knife in your hand, PeachesWhere stories live. Discover now