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The night's sky was inky and black, and despite it almost being 4am, there was no sign of the sun rearing its head any time soon. Fall was certainly upon them now.

It was quiet here, on the North side of the Sanctuary, far away now from the commotion,and this area was empty save for a few lone Saviours patrolling the lots beyond.

But making to head out of the door and into the dark night, Blake felt a sudden tug on her hand.

She stopped in her tracks, wiping tears from her eyes and giving a swift gulp before turning around to face Tara who was staring back at her, a look of sadness etched across her features.

"Blake..." she said mumbling out the words. "What you did back there..." The dark-haired woman's eyes were sad and imploring. "Thank you..."

Blake stared back at her, a hurt coursing through her as she thought of just what she had sacrificed for ensuring that her friend left the Sanctuary in one piece.

But the blonde woman was stubborn and tired of death and blood. All she wanted now was a life away from it all. Away from the blackness and the loss that came with this life these days. And if Negan was willing give up her and Mia, and everything it had seemed like for a time he had loved, then so be it.

But that fact alone killed Blake to think about...especially after all they had been through together. But she had seen the look in his eyes, the willingness to sacrifice all of that just for payback and revenge.

Blake shook her head, chewing on her bottom lip, dragging her eyes away for fear of bursting into tears again.

"I-It's fine. L-Let's just get you out of here..." she muttered in reply, pulling Tara through the door and out into the lot before her dark-haired friend could speak again.

If truth be told Blake just wanted her gone. The sooner that happened, the sooner Blake could rest easy.

The two lieutenants on watch, turned her way almost immediately, one of them stepping forward, perhaps not recognising her at first, guns raised and pointing at Tara, the traitor, knowing she didn't belong here. But the second man held and arm out, lowering the first's gun.

They both knew of course there would be no punishment more severe than for the person responsible for hurting Blake in any way. So they held off, earning themselves a grateful nod from Blake her way of telling them, she had negan's permission for this. Despite that fact not being one hundred percent true of course.

And so they held back nodding back at her reverently as she dragged Tara past the chain-link fences and to the outer perimeter, where a shorter fence stood with a small gate set into it was chained up with a padlock. But Blake, privy to almost every hidden piece of information here at the Sanctuary knew was always left unlocked in case of emergencies. The perks of being just that close to Negan coming in handy.

Blake stopped finally at said-gate, snatching the padlock swiftly away.

"You'd better take the south road out of here if you want to avoid anyone from here coming after you..." she mumbled.

But a sudden gentle hand to her face caused her to turn and look up at Tara who was staring back at her imploringly.

"Blake....you didn't have to do any of this...not for me..." she said with tears flooding from her eyes. "I came here to see you...to make sure YOU were ok-"

"And you did," said Blake, feeling her own tears welling once more in the corners of her eyes as she stared back at her friend.

But Tara shook her head, sounding mortally upset. "No, no I didn't....and you weren't ok..." she sobbed now. "You lost your baby...and I had no idea....t-they had no idea...if they had..."

I think I liked you better when you didn't have a knife in your hand, PeachesWhere stories live. Discover now