Taking a toll

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The next few days passed in a hurry, and before Blake had realised it, Mia had already been with them at the Sanctuary for a week.

The little girl was as popular as ever with the Sanctuary residents, and even some of the more hardy lieutenants could be found backhanding the toddler candy and pieces of fruit when no one was looking, which she always took gratefully with a shy and grateful 'Fanks'.

But for Blake, taking care of such a small child, was turning out to be far more exhausting that she had expected.

And although Mia was not exactly a demanding little girl, she did require constant attention and care, from taking at least three urgent bathroom breaks every hour, to wanting to play all the time, to her endless stream of questions.

"Why dat dere?"

"Who dey?"

"Wen will I get bwoobies laik Bwakey?"

But Blake utterly adored her, there was no doubt about that.

Having Mia around made everything feel worthwhile...like it all had a purpose now.

She was happy. They both were.

However the same could not be said about Negan, who had been in a bit of grumpy and put-out mood for the last few days.

But Blake could of course see why...

Having Mia around was extremely time consuming, which meant that Blake had been unable to devote as much time to the dark-haired Saviour as she usually did.

And during the times that Negan did come to see them both, Mia had either talked his ear off non-stop, or complained to Blake that she needed to go potty or that she was cold, or hungry... dragging the blonde woman away, much to Negan's annoyance.

And although Blake did think that it was probably good for Negan to not be able to get his own way all of the time, she did miss his touch...his kisses...and oh so much more...

But the pair of them getting any time alone together had proved to be impossible over the last few days.

For Blake feeling utterly tired by the Mia's bedtime came around, had crashed out three nights in a row by 7pm!

Over the last two days however, Negan had been out on a run with Dwight, Simon and a few of his other loyal men to one of the outposts.

He was due to be back later today, but not having his presence around her, the blonde woman found herself getting antsy.

She wasn't particularly worried about him, knowing that Negan had a job to do...but she felt strained, yearning for him, missing him last night as a heat passed over her.

He was her mate and it was easy to forget when Mia was around, just how much she needed him.

It was a primal urge....desperate and urgent....and although Blake often feigned teasing uninterest, it was true that she wanted the dark-haired Saviour just as much as he wanted her.

Although Negan had indeed seemed a little distant of late, Blake felt that had nothing to do with Mia or his lack of sex with the caramel-blonde woman.

Ever since they had returned from Alexandria, Negan had been restless at night. Blake had heard him stirring on more than one occasion, and just two evenings ago, she had woken to find him in the midst of what seemed like a nightmare, coated in perspiration and mumbling out incoherent words. And every morning Blake had woken to find Negan already awake by the time she had gotten up, either in the bathroom, or the room already absent of him completely, the dark-haired man already up and dressed and out to make sure Sanctuary life was ticking over for the day.

I think I liked you better when you didn't have a knife in your hand, PeachesWhere stories live. Discover now