What are friends for?

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It was just ten minutes later, that Negan, ambling back in from his bathroom totally naked with Blake's now-abandoned lingerie clutched in his hand, gave a, tutting, shake of his head.

"Jesus, Sweetheart. One fuckin' blow job and you've got me pickin' up after you in my own fuckin' bathroom," he said in a faux-accusative tone. "I mean, do I look like a goddamn maid?!"

But the dark-haired man stopped short, as he gazed back over to his bed, his lips curving up into a wide smile as he caught sight of Blake there, now, under the covers, with a sheet clasped tightly around her body.

The sight was certainly one to fucking behold and Negan took a short breath in, as his heart pounded just that little bit faster.

He cocked an eyebrow upwards, as she smiled back at him, vixen-like, her green eyes staring his exposed body up and down.

"You anglin' for a slumber party, Peaches?" he asked questioningly, before continuing to pace over towards her, tossing her abandoned underwear down onto the couch as he passed, haphazardly.

God, she really was the most amazing fucking creature he had ever laid eyes on, lying there with her long caramel-hair ruffled and her lips plump, swollen and inviting...

The last hour or so had been a fucking dream, the dynamic between them changing slightly...with both of them getting exactly what they wanted...how they wanted.

Because, fuck it, both of them were adults. And the two of them were more than strong and confident enough to take whatever they wanted from each other.

Blake bit her at her pouting lips now, smiling widely as Negan approached, lifting up the white sheet for him to join her under the covers.

"Maybe," she purred, giving a small appetising giggle, as Negan grinned back at her warmly and slipped inside, in-between the cool sheets...

"So how are things going with you and Rick?" said Tara, lifting her steaming mug of hot coffee to her lips and eyeing the black woman sitting opposite her.

But Michonne just rolled her eyes.

"Fine," she murmured, flushing slightly and looking away.

But Tara gave a laugh, barely noticing the small clap of thunder outside, as rain lashed against the window pane to the left of the couch.

"I bet it is," goaded the dark-haired woman, poking her tongue out from between her teeth as Michonne tutted, glancing back over at her friend.

"How's being a full-time parent?" asked Michonne in return teasingly, causing the smug-ish smile to drop instantly from Tara's face.

She gave a groan, placing her head into her hands for a brief second, sighing.

"Don't," she said warningly. "She's the sweetest thing, but being a stay-at-home Mom....Jesus....why did I even agree to it? Babysitting for Judith is one thing....but this...."

But she had barely got to the end of her sentence, when suddenly, another crash of thunder almost shuddered the entire house, and it was barely a split second after that, that a long carrying-cry filled the house.

Tara gave a heavy sigh and whined out.

"Ughhh...duty calls..." she huffed, placing down her cup of barely-touched coffee and getting to her feet with a sigh.

But now it was Michonne's turn to give a laugh, waving her hand and placing down her own mug.

"I'll see myself out..." she uttered smiling, as Tara made her way upstairs.

I think I liked you better when you didn't have a knife in your hand, PeachesWhere stories live. Discover now