A midnight snack

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The hallways of the Sanctuary were almost always quiet at this time of night. With lack of much entertainment and long working hours for most, the moment it got dark, the majority of the Saviours tucked themselves into bed, filling the hallways with an emptiness...a stark contrast from the usual day-time hustle and bustle of the place.

And tonight, apart from a few patrols on the outer walkways, and a couple of Saviours finishing up in the laundry room....everyone else, including the wives upstairs and Mia tucked up neatly with them, was asleep...a hush falling over the old and dusty factory building.

But two people were certainly not asleep in the lateness of the night, their laughter and lewd conversation floating down the hallways that led towards the kitchens.

These two were nowhere near the dreamworld that the other Sanctuary residents were in right now. But in a strange way both of them were closer to that world, than anyone else....

For Blake at least, she felt more refreshed than she had in a long while. A new lease of life flowing through her, as she walked side-by side down the long hallway beside the tall and tanned Saviour, the pair of them teasing and banetring with each other to the point of almost an argument breaking out between them.

It was as though the pair of them now were finally getting the time to flirt and hang out as any 'normal' couple would back in the real world. Finding comfort and warmth with one another, something which neither of them had experienced for a long long time.

"Nu-uh, I do NOT have a thing for older men," remarked Blake wrinkling her nose, as she shot Negan a laughing look, as they walked. Blake on her bare feet, Negan in his thick black biker boots that seemed to clink with every step he took.

Showing off his line of perfectly straight white teeth in fiendish grin, Negan gave a shrug of his slumped shoulders, as he shoved open the large set of swing doors ahead of them, that led to the basement floor of the Sanctuary.

This was not particularly somewhere that either of them frequented often. The last time Blake had been here, was when she and the wives had stolen several bottles of wine and alcohol from the storerooms (the bottles of which were still not accounted for on the inventory list even today, forcing Negan to begrudgingly wave it).

"Well damn, you could have fucking fooled me, Peaches," Negan scoffed.

He was tonight without Lucille, Blake already noting the knife he had threaded through his belt on exiting their room, although his hands remained shoved into his grey pants pockets, as his eyes turned to look at her, lifting his chin in delight at the look that passed over her face.

For Blake's eyebrows had disappeared up into her hairline at his words.

"Uh, excuse me!" she uttered sounding scandalised, as she pressed a hand to her tshirt clad chest. "I have never been with a guy more than five years older than me, thank you very much..."

But Negan gave a laugh at this.

"Pfft, liar. I've got more almost a couple of fuckin' decades on you, Sweetheart, an' I don' think I fuckin' dreamt screwin' your brains out these last couple of months!" he retorted give an arrogant chuckle, which caused Blake to scowl and shot him a deadly look.

"I'm just saying," she said waving a hand in his direction dismissively. "I have a thing for you, but not necessarily for older men in general."

"Nope. You've got a kink, Doll-face. Don' bother denying it..." he smiled teasingly.

But Blake rolled her eyes, before a second later, letting a heavy sigh leave her lips.

I think I liked you better when you didn't have a knife in your hand, PeachesWhere stories live. Discover now