Under the stars

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Blake held dented can of beer at arm's length as she pulled back the ring-pull, avoiding the spray of white beery-foam that spurted from the top.

"Ugh," she grimaced, wringing out her free hand, as Negan at her side, gave a chuckle, his bearded mouth half-full of pizza.

"I'm guessin' you ain't much of a beer drinker huh, Peaches?" asked Negan, running his tongue over his lips a little smugly, as he eyed her.

But Blake merely tossed a simpering look in his direction.

"Hmmm, I always preferred wine....or cocktails...." she muttered, taking a brief sip of the stale beer, grimacing a she did so. "But I'm guessing Simon isn't gonna knock me up a Sex on the Beach tonight, now is he?"

But she should have guessed the smug look that soon plastered its way across Negan's features, at her words.

"Well, I mean, I'm sure if you asked him nice enough Darlin', he'd give it fucking good try," bit back the dark-haired Saviour, causing Blake to scoff and roll her eyes.

She pursed her lips, looking out at the dark sky ahead, feeling Negan's gaze upon the side of her face, as he soon spoke again.

"Y'know I can just imagine you....in a nice dress...sixteen dollar cocktail in one hand and cell phone in the other...at a bar..." said the dark haired man, biting down onto his lip and staring at her. "....and I'm guessin' you wouldn't even notice that every guy in that place had his eyes on you all night, either..."

But Blake gave a smile, blushing slightly and shaking her head, as her eyes fell to her lap.

"That never happened..." she murmured softly.

But Negan blinked slowly, lifting his own, already opened, can of beer and taking a long swig, before pulling it from his lips and gesturing her way, with the white can.

"Oh, Doll', I can almost fuckin' guarantee you it did," he uttered in reply, his voice low and growling. "An' I'm probably right in guessin' none of them had the balls to come and talk to you too either. City boys have all the talk, but they ain't got shit when it comes to flirting with women."

Blake smirked, staring up at Negan now, quirking an eyebrow up towards him bemusedly.

"So would you have had the balls to come up and flirt with me then?" she asked in a goading voce, cocking her blonde head to the side.

And Negan, for a moment, gave a slight amused frown, parting his lips.

"Oh, Sweetheart, I'd have been inside you up against the bathroom door at least four times before midnight," he growled devilishly, before turning away from her, and lifting the beer can to his lips once more.

But Blake narrowed her eyes, scoffing, despite a needy warmth suddenly flooding her entire body.

"Oh yeah, what makes you so certain I'd have fallen for your...charms...that quickly? Hmmm?" she asked, raising a slender eyebrow skyward.

But Negan let out a sharp hiss as he gulped down another sip of beer, before dropping the can to his lap.

"Because I know you too fuckin' well, Darlin'," he said in a breezy voice. "And back in the real world, you'd have fallen for me in a heartbeat."

Blake grinned widely, resting her elbow on the arm of the chair, and propping up her chin against her palm, amusedly.

"Oh really?" she snarked back a in sarcastic tone. "And I'd have been...what? Your bit on the side?"

She remembered that Negan had told her he was once married and that he had screwed around a fair few times.

But almost immediately at her words, a gulp drifted its way down Negan's tanned and bearded throat, and his smile fell from his face.

I think I liked you better when you didn't have a knife in your hand, PeachesWhere stories live. Discover now