Lovesick puppy

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Blake had woken bright and early that morning, feeling refreshed and ready to start the day. But it wasn't until she had gotten up, washed and dressed, had she realised that she didn't actually have anything to start.

It was an odd feeling- not to have a purpose.

It seemed like most people who lived around here had a job or a role of some sorts. Whether it was cooking, cleaning, intimidation....everyone had something to do with their day, even Negan.

But not Blake.

But it wasn't like this was her home....right? She didn't intend on staying here....and soon she would take Negan up on his offer of going back to Alexandria.

There she would have things she could get involved in, things she could help with.

Blake had spent the day wandering around the large looming Sanctuary. Passing through the canteen...the marketplace...the library....eating an apple with one hand, and running her fingers through her long damp hair with the other.

Blake was today wearing dark pants and a white blouse, and had stared long and hard at her ever-diminishing bruises in the mirror this morning as she had gotten dressed.

Soon they would be gone...leaving nothing but distant memories of her past life.

She wouldn't exactly say she was happy now.

But content was certainly a word that could easily be used to describe how she was feeling.

Bored..... but content.

Blake rounded the corner, as she made her way aimlessly down a long hallway during the late afternoon, making to go back to her room, but instead, looking for something more to do than to spend her evening reading, she headed out through a door she hadn't ventured through before.

Once through, Blake found herself outside, in a small loading area, where several burly Saviours with guns, some she recognised, some she didn't, were busy unloading sacks and crates of food, from the back of a large truck.

She slowly walked around the space, tossing her old apple core aside, and dodging out of the way, as one man with a beard headed past her, carrying a crate of fresh vegetables.

The area out here was vast, but most of the space seemed wasted, with various pointless fences-within-fences, lining the lot. Fences that even walkers couldn't even get close to.

Blake folded her arms across her chest, spotting the tall, moustachioed Simon, who hopped down from the truck ahead of her.

"There's a couple of sacks of flour back there, but one's got a rip in it, so be careful," he muttered to a short woman and a man with long blonde hair as they walked past him, nodding obediently. "Negan won't be happy if you waste that shit."

Blake gave a small roll of her eyes as she heard this.

"You know, if Negan got out there and actually found that food himself, maybe he'd have a reason to be so anal about losing a bit of flour," she said as she caught Simon's eye.

The brown-haired man gave a chuckle, and slowly approached her, his eyes looking up and down her tall, slender form.

"I'd be careful talking about him like that y'know," said Simon, raising his eyebrows at her. "People have gotten into trouble around here for much less."

But Blake pursed her lips, looking to her left as the two Saviours carefully manoeuvred the sacks of flour from the van.

She knew for a fact that around here she could get away with a lot more than most could.

I think I liked you better when you didn't have a knife in your hand, PeachesWhere stories live. Discover now