David's deal

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Blake gave a scowl as Dwight pulled her down the stone steps leading down to the basement floor of the large building, a little quicker that she'd wanted.

"Watch it," she sniped at the blonde man, as she stumbled slightly on the last step.

But that only earned her a shove in the direction of a long corridor, with doors lining the right-hand side.

Blake was still angry. Had Negan been telling her the truth? Had David really been the one to bring her here? Or was this all just a game on the leader of the Saviours' part? Set the dominoes up and watch them fall....

Behind her, Dwight gave her another sharp shove.

"Take it easy!" Blake snapped, shooting him a dark look, catching sight of the terrible red scars that haunted one side of his face.

She gave a gulp, wondering how it had happened...

But before she could dwell on it any longer, they came to stop outside one of the doors...just as a slender woman, with long red hair, emerged.

She was smiling over her shoulder at someone, when she suddenly stopped in her tracks, catching sight of Blake and Dwight, her grin disappearing almost instantly.

She didn't say a word to either of them, but by the look on her face, the glance she shared with Dwight must have been meaningful.

Blake gave a gulp, her eyes following the woman as she disappeared off down the corridor.

"You've got five minutes," said Dwight suddenly from behind her, nodding towards the door before them.

Blake turned to him a little confused.

Was this where David was?

Her eyes lingered on the corner the woman had disappeared around.

He had been attractive and around the same age as Blake herself...but why would she be here?

Blake felt her heart hammering inside her ribcage...but all the same, she turned slowly on her heel and gave the wooden door a small shove.

"Back so soon?" came a sudden familiar voice she recognised oh-so well, causing her breath to catch slightly in her throat.

She took a step forwards, peering around the door and into the room.

There he was...David.....the love of her life, sat on the edge of the bed, doing up the last couple of buttons on his clean powder-blue shirt.

His blue eyes drifted across to Blake and his smile almost instantly disappeared.

"Blake?" he said giving an obvious gulp and getting to his feet, an immediate frown plastering its way onto his face.

Blake stared first at him, then around at his plush surroundings.

The room was large...large enough for a king size bed and a side table, at least. There was a stack of women's health magazines on the table, as well as what was left of a packet of potato chips.

Blake looked back at David, breathing hard.

Had he been in here....and all the while Blake had been stuck in that cell?

David took a step towards her, eyeing Dwight at the door suddenly.

The scarred man at the door looked between the pair.

"Like I said to her," he said in a bitter voice. "You've got five minutes."

And with that, he pulled the door shut behind him, leaving them alone.

I think I liked you better when you didn't have a knife in your hand, PeachesWhere stories live. Discover now