Wine, dirty words, and bed

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"So you've never played 'I've never' with your wives?" said Blake with a small laugh just five minutes later.

The sun was still bright orange in the sky, throwing a warm, hazy sort of glow over the caramel-blonde woman, still sat in the front of the RV, staring out at the view ahead.

Negan, strolling back through the partition that divided the seats up front and the living area behind, gave a bemused chuckle.

"Nope," he replied with a shake of his head, popping the 'p' and making a face as he eased the cork out of a dusty old bottle of red wine. "Never had the fucking pleasure, Doll."

Blake smiled up at him, as he uncorked the wine, before dropping down into the passenger seat immediately beside her with a stiff groan, throwing a leather-clad arm over the back of her seat possessively.

"Well then, maybe in that case, we should play," she purred in a fiendish voice, turning her body to face him now. "Seeing as you brought the alcohol."

Negan looked her way, leaning back comfortably against the seat and cocked a dark eyebrow at her, grinning.

"This the game that got you so fuckin' inebriated that one time, Darlin'?" asked Negan questioningly, tilting his long tanned face towards her.

Blake felt her cheeks flush now, but waved a hand dismissively at him.

"Yeah, but it'll be fun," she uttered in an airy tone, snatching the bottle of wine from his hand and crossing her bare legs neatly, feeling his eyes fully on her now. "I'll go first..."

Negan licked his lips, his hand drifting eagerly to Blake's thigh, barely covered now by her pale blue cotton dress, but Blake raised both eyebrows and pressed a hand to his chest, swatting him away.

"Ah, ah, ah..." she said in a delicious tone, eyeing him. "You play with me first, and then I'll play with you."

At once, Negan's grin widened amorously, his dark eyes trickling over her features.

"Fine..." he said in a husky voice, providing her with a simpering look in return. "Go ahead..."

Blake chewed on her lip thinking for a moment and staring back out at the eye-catching sunset to her right, flipping her long caramel-hair back over her shoulder.

"Ok, I've never....driven an RV," she said happily as she turned back to face him finally. "So, because you have, you have to drink."

Negan offered her a goading look, narrowing his own chocolate eyes in her direction, but soon snatched the wine bottle out of her hand once again and took a long swig before wiping at his mouth with his fingers.

"Alright," he said, shifting in his seat slightly, as he stared at Blake. "I've never...played 'I've never'."

Blake grinned and rolled her eyes, allowing him to hand her the dusty bottle of wine before taking a long sip of her own.

It tasted good, better than the wine the wives were allowed at least, and Blake smiled almost shyly as she pulled the bottle from her lips.

The pair of them were close....not just physically....but it was as though they were the last two people left on this earth now...up here....where nothing else seemed to matter.

"Ok, my turn," she sighed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, as Negan parted his lips, leaning his elbow up on the back of the seat, gazing at her.

"I've never..." she looked about yet again, as the sun slowly set in the burning sky before them. "...I've never.......been here before."

Her eyes travelled back and forth over the beautiful scenery stretching out in front of them, like a postcard.

I think I liked you better when you didn't have a knife in your hand, PeachesWhere stories live. Discover now