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Blake let out a grizzled moan, feeling a searing shaft of sunlight hit her eyes, from a gap beneath the drapes across the room.

She winced a little against the light, snuggling her body down beneath the covers, pressing her face further into her pillow. But as she moved, she felt something warm and lean press against her spine and a large hand snake its way around her waist, pulling her backwards.

"Mornin'," came a husky voice in her ear Blake recognised at once, memories of the previous night flooding back to her, like a dream.

Last night had been bliss. Truly and utterly.

And between snatches of sleep here and there, Negan and Blake had made love twice more, before exhaustion had carried them to a dreamworld.

They had barely been able to keep their hands off one another, lips brushing against hot perspiration covered skin, tasting of salt, and sex, and the sweetest of ripe peaches...

But that lazy fucking, beneath warm sheets, had been well-needed, and even now, feeling Negan's stiffening erection pressing into her ass, the blonde felt a wetness spreading between her legs almost immediately. Her body reacting to his, in just the best way.

"Morning," Blake smiled back, closing her eyes and enjoying the sensation of Negan's lips beginning to attack her neck with languid kisses from behind.

She let out a soft moan, feeling a roving hand slide its way to the throbbing space between her thighs, sliding over her clit teasingly.

She gasped out a laugh, grasping ahold of Negan's forearm.

"Negan, stop..." she murmured, opening her eyes and shifting slightly to peer at him over her bare shoulder. Only to see that he was grinning back at her, tongue flicking over his teeth, looking mighty proud of himself at this very minute.

"So..." he said in a gravelly tone, that did things to Blake that a voice alone really shouldn't. " gonna get Daddy's dick wet again this morning, Darlin'? Make it an even four times before sun-up?"

But Blake pursed her lips at this, holding in a smirk. She knew of course he was referring to the amount of times they had had sex so far since last night, and she almost rolled her eyes at how insatiable he seemed.

"The sun's already up..." she said in a voice of faux-sternness. But she allowed her eyes to roll back, gasping out again as Negan's expert fingers dipped into her, cutting her off mid-sentence.

"What was that?" he teased, his other hand coming up and wrapping gently around her slender throat from behind, causing her to arch herself back into him, exposing her neck with a soft moan of pleasure.

Things had moved fast between them last night, but Blake didn't regret any of it.

It had felt like a long time since they had last had sex, the last time being back when Blake had been pregnant. But she had held off for long enough, his words, his charm, her longing for him, all making her feel attractive again for the first time in weeks.

It had been as good, if not better, than the many time before, and now it was like a veil had been lifted, Blake forgetting all of the hurt for a while and going back to being herself again. Stuck here in a blissful, dreamy world with him. With Negan.

The dark-haired Saviour continued his work, his two tanned digits dipping in and out of her a few times, before he pulled them out, spreading her creamy wetness over her sensitive nub instead.

"Fuck..." moaned Blake, in a whispered breath, pressing her ass back into him, causing Negan to grunt into her ear at the contact.

"That's it..." he growled, Blake feeling him slide a hand down to his erect member, positioning himself at her soaking wet entrance.. "...maybe jus' the tip."

I think I liked you better when you didn't have a knife in your hand, PeachesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora