One step closer

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The sky above her head had already grown dark by the time Rosita had almost thought to give up for the night.

She had been out here three or four days in a row now, on the pretence of looking for supplies to give to the Saviours for their monthly offering, when really, she had other more pressing things she needed to do.

After Rick and their group's last run in with Negan, Blake and the Saviours, almost two weeks ago, fear and hysteria had somewhat heightened within their small community.

Blake had told Rick that they would now need to treble their offering, something which just a few weeks in, they were already struggling to do.

And so gas and working vehicles were now a commodity that Rick was rationing to the Nth degree. And Rosita knew that she needed both to be able to go through with her plan. To hit Negan where it hurt. Just as he had done with them time and time again.

And if she was the only one brave enough to go through with it then so be it.

Too many time she had watched Rick and Michonne roll over to the Saviours, fall to their knees and bow to his will.

Well, Rosita wasn't about to do that anymore.

And earlier this evening, finally coming across seven or eight cars piled up along the side of the highway, she had foolishly presumed she had hit the motherlode.

Rosita had been searching for a while now for something suitable, but time after time her plans to get to the Saviours compound had been scuppered by one thing or another over the past few weeks.

First it had been on Rick's orders. Then Tara had asked for help on a five day run a little way south of Alexandria. But now was her chance. She had her gun, all ready to go. A cache of bullets too. And now all she needed was something to take her there.

She knew she couldn't use one their usual cars or everyone would become too suspicious. Perhaps try and stop her. So now she just needed something, anything she could use to make the long and perhaps her last drive to the Sanctuary in.

Although here she was, finally out here with a purpose, trying to find the last piece of the puzzle, and yet frustratingly every car she had tried tonight and the nights gone by had refused to even tick over, either busted or just out of gas.

The dark haired woman paused for a moment, as a walker emerged from the undergrowth just ahead, snapping and snarling as it dragged its decomposing body towards her.

But Rosita barely flinched, tugging out her large knife, before plunging it right through the rotter's soft skull.

She quickly sheathed her knife once more as the figure slumped to the ground, before turning her attention back to the last car on the road.

This was it, her final shot of the night. She would need to get back soon. It would take her at least an hour on foot to get back to Alexandria, and she was beginning to grow cold, weary and hungry.

She hastily pulled open the door to a sleek silver Corolla, before ducking her head inside. And, seeing a key still in the ignition, she gave it a turn.

She waited....

And waited....

Hearing the engine rev and rev, but refuse to turn over.

And so Rosita, about to give up, gave a humongous sigh, just as, to her utter surprise...WHAM! The engine burst into life.

"Aha!" she exclaimed, slapping the steering wheel, elation bursting through her.

And even though after a moment or two the engine died again, the gas gauge reading empty, Rosita knew that this was it. She was one step closer to seeking revenge.

For Abraham, for Glenn, for Olivia and Denise....

All she needed now was to find herself a siphonable amount of gas to get her to the Sanctuary. But that could wait until tomorrow to go out on the search again..

Rosita smiled to herself now on that dark road.

Oh yes, Negan would pay for what he had done.

And if people like that bitch Blake were stupid enough to get involved in him, then that was too bad.

Because Rosita was going to let nothing, and she meant nothing, stand in her way...

I think I liked you better when you didn't have a knife in your hand, PeachesWhere stories live. Discover now