The house

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"Is animal?"

Negan grinned, but shook his head. "Nope," he replied, popping the 'p'.

They had been driving for the last hour at least, going nowhere in particular but both just happy to be out of the Sanctuary for a little while. It was good for them, giving them a chance to spend time together out of the confines of the looming and often oppressive factory building.

The pale grey sky was now barely visible though the rain that was currently lashing the windscreen with deafening raindrops. And for the last half hour of their drive, Blake had been forcing Negan to play twenty questions with her.

Blake's gaze drifted out of the passenger side window, as she drummed her fingernails against the seat beside her.

"Ok, is it a person then?" she asked, her head turning to look at the dark-haired Saviour once more.

But he gave a sigh, lifting a tanned finger to scratch at his stubbly chin.

"Hmmmm, not quite..." he sighed. "Although she'd make a damn better number two than Si, that's for fucking sure."

But at his words, Blake gave a huge huff and a roll of her eyes.

"It's that stupid bat of yours again, isn't it," she nodded, sounding slightly irritated. "God, Negan, if you're not gonna play properly-"

Negan stared over at her, giving a chuckle. "Then we can give up playin'?" he tried hopefully. "Halle-fuckin'-lujah!"

But the blonde woman narrowed her green eyes in his direction, folding her arms over herself huffily.

She wasn't gonna let him get his way that easily.

"Alright, my turn," she said, much to Negan's visible dismay.

"Shit, darlin', alright...fiiine," he huffed. "Vegetable?"

Blake shook her head.

"A person then. 'S'it Babe Ruth?" he said grinning as he steered their truck around a wide bend in the road.

Blake gave a tut. "It's not Babe Ruth, Negan..."

But the dark-haired Saviour, from the driver' seat, shrugged. "Hell, then I don' fuckin' know. Can't I just give up already, Sweetheart?" he asked.

Blake gave another sigh and accepted defeat finally, giving him a cross look, shifting slightly in her seat and staring moodily out of the window beside her instead.

"Ok fine," she snapped. "But it was Eugene, if you wanted to know."

Negan gave a long puff of air, smirking to himself. "An' we're back to Dr Smarty Pants again," he commented in a teasing voice. "You know I'm still not one hundred percent convinced that you an' him don' have some sorta' secret fuckin' thing goin' on, Doll-face. You positive that that kid inside you's definitely mine?"

But Blake couldn't help but give a laugh, her eyes twinkling as she looked over at the leader of the Saviours, sat beside her.

"It definitely is," she replied, before giving a light shrug of her slender shoulders. "But maybe if he's more up for playing twenty questions with me than you are, I should think about switching men."

Her tone dripped with a very obvious sarcasm now, that caused Negan to look her way, smiling widely and showing off his straight white teeth in a wolf-like grin.

"He might be more up for playin' shit like that with you, Darlin'. But you know for a fact that he ain't gonna be able to eat you out like I can..." Negan suddenly uttered arrogantly. "His tongue's too busy mumblin' out a damn thesaurus full'a long-ass words, to be tasting that sweet spot between those gorgeous thighs of yours. So I think when it comes down to it, I'd be a damn winner everyday. Twenty questions or not."

I think I liked you better when you didn't have a knife in your hand, PeachesWhere stories live. Discover now