Just wear somethin' pretty

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Thirty long minutes later Blake strolled out of the bathroom, just a white towel wrapped around her middle, fussing with her damp, messy hair with one hand and carrying a pile of yesterdays' clothes in the other.

"That shower is so good," she muttered, catching sight of the now fully-dressed Negan sitting on his leather sofa, checking off accounts in a large ledger propped up on his lap. He was dressed, as he always was, in a white t-shirt, dark grey pants, with his black leather jacket now shrugged back over his broad shoulders.

Blake, after her and Negan's hot, wet, and anything-but-relaxing bath, had headed into the shower to clean up properly, spending all of twenty-five long minutes, washing her aching body under the hot, steamy water.

It must have gone midday by now, but Blake was past caring.

It was her birthday after all...

Negan glanced up at her, grinning and raising a dark eyebrow in her direction.

"Hmmm, well I think that bath was fuckin' better," he chimed fiendishly, his pen hovering over the page before him. "You ridin' me, and me watching those perfect fuckin' titties of yours, bouncin' up and down on top of me while you do so. Nothin' better."

Blake gave a satisfied sigh, her lips twitching up into a smirk, as she readjusted her towel slightly.

"It was fun..." she agreed. "...as morning sex goes..."

"As mornin' sex goes?!" said Negan in an incredulous voice. "Well don't you know how to make a guy feel fuckin' special, Sweetheart!"

Blake laughed, padding across to the now-rumpled four-poster bed and placing down her second-day old clothes gently, feeling Negan's eyes on her.

It was strange to think how far they had come in so little time.

Blake remembered back to when she had first been in a towel in front of Negan. Just a couple of days after she had arrived at the Sanctuary...back when he had found bruises on her arm, given to her by David.

She had felt so vulnerable under his gaze back then...but now....she revelled in it. In the feeling that he could easily pounce on her at any minute.

And, as if on cue, Blake smiled to herself, as she heard Negan behind her, placing down his ledger and getting stiffly to his feet.

"Y'know..." he uttered in a low growl of a voice, strolling over towards her, as Blake looked his way. "We could screw off today altogether...spend it in here instead...fucking each other's brains out..."

He threw a suggestive look towards the large bed before them, waggling his dark eyebrows, as he approached her, sliding his hand around her towel-wrapped waist possessively.

But Blake raised her own eyebrows, turning to face him now and giving a pout.

"As tempting as that sounds, do you really expect me to give up my birthday surprise?" she asked in a simpering voice, pressing a hand to his taut, leather-clad chest and giving him a small, playful shove away from her.

At this Negan gave a familiar growl of want, hovering over Blake's shoulder, as she turned back towards the bed, and her pile of clothes.

But the dark-haired saviour wasn't done yet, pressing his mouth to her ear, sending a hard shiver coursing through Bake's slender body. She gasped out slightly, as he pressed himself up against her from behind.

"Well, just make sure you wear somethin' real fuckin' pretty today, alright, Peaches?" he said giving a short possessive growl into her ear, his hot breath trickling down her neck. "Because Daddy is gonna make today worth remembering."

I think I liked you better when you didn't have a knife in your hand, PeachesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora