Whiskey and bathrooms

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Blake walked slowly down the long hallway.

It had taken her no longer than five minutes to make it up here to the top floor, following the instructions given to her by Eugene.

The sky was dark now and Blake couldn't help but glance out of the large factory windows as she passed by them. Each one tolling her fate like a bell.

She knew that she was trapped right now. If she didn't do what David had promised, he would be so angry with her....and well, she loved him, she had always loved him. And maybe she could make things right. But it terrified her to think just what David had likely asked of her.....much more than just information on Rick and his group.

Blake turned the corner, heading into a long corridor... gloomy, and without windows, but identical to the last....

But in this one, a soft distant music seemed to drift slowly down towards her, and she had a fair idea where it was coming from.....

The end of the hallway was shrouded in a soft warm light coming from and open door up on the left, and Blake couldn't help but give a gulp as she slowly approached it.

She knew exactly who to expect inside.

But she held her head high....all her tears already having already been spilt this evening...

She could do this.....for David.

....she would think of something....a way out of all this for both of them...

She hovered slightly near to the doorway before tentatively peering around the large wooden door.

The classic rock music playing from a scratchy record player was louder now, but her attention was not really on that. Instead it was on the soft carpet, she could just about make out around the door and the large shadow that had just fallen across it.

Blake looked up just in time to see the door tugged open fully, and the recognisable, grinning figure of Negan standing there...looking just as smug as he usually did, still in that same old leather jacket.

Blake felt her heart began to pound a drumbeat in her chest, but her eyes found his chocolate ones, and she brought herself up to her full height.

But Negan just stared back at her lazily, Lucille hanging limply from his right hand, his left used to lean up against the door cockily.

"Well goddamn, Peaches," he started, peering down at her with delight in his gaze. "You took your sweet-ass fucking time. I swear I coulda' grown even more of this fucking shit in the time it's taken you to get up here."

He brought his hand across to his scratchy beard, before giving her a wide smirk, looking her up and down.

"I got lost," Blake uttered, giving him a shallow frown and a neat shrug, glancing away for a moment. "Maybe you should have come and fetched me yourself, instead of sending your flunkies after me.....again!"

Negan made a face, peering down at her looking impressed.

"That another way of you sayin' you want me an' only me, Doll?" he said taking a step forwards and leering over her, his face leaning into hers.

But Blake folded her arms across her chest defensively, pursing her lips.

"In your dreams," she uttered bluntly, shaking her head, but her eyes never left his.

But this only caused Negan's grin to widen.

He gave a short chuckle, arching his back as he did so.

I think I liked you better when you didn't have a knife in your hand, PeachesWhere stories live. Discover now