A Cheap Threat

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At least forty-five minutes of more wine and I've nevers had passed, with Blake and the other women descending into shrieks of crying laughter at some of the answers given....getting more and more tipsy as the minutes ticked by.

Blake hadn't had this much carefree fun in a long time, safe inside this room on the fourth floor of the Sanctuary.

But having had at least five glasses of wine (at her last count!), Blake felt more than a little drunk to say the least. It had gone down much better than expected, and the vinegary alcohol seemed to somehow taste better and better with each sip taken.

"Ok, Ok," said Tanya, as Michelle slapped at a cushion, laughing so much at the last answer, tears were still pouring down her cheeks. "I've got one."

She took a deep breath of air, composing herself as all the women suddenly blew out air, bursting into fits of giggles once again.

"Shhhhh," said Tanya, lifting her hand and hushing them as she spoke with elongated syllables. "Listen, listen.....I've never....hooked up with a younger guy."

No-one but Michelle drank this time, as everyone gaped at her.

"How young?" asked Blake with an incredulous laugh, feeling now oh-so comfortable and at home with these women. It was almost as though she had known them her entire life.

Michelle gave an easy shrug, playing it cool. "I was twenty eight and he was....nineteen."

"Nineteen?" shrieked Layla beside her, laughing.

"Oh my god, he was so hot though," murmured Michelle, taking another long sip. "Mmmhmmm."

All of the girls giggled at this again, cracking up completely at the tone of Michelle's voice...

..... just as the large double doors to the room were suddenly pushed open, and a tall, looming, and very recognisable figure, strolled casually into the room.

A sudden hush fell over the space, the smiles suddenly dropping from everyone's faces, bar Blake's, as they all looked up at him.


Standing there with a wide, simpering grin plastered across his long, tanned face. His red scarf was now gone, but his barbed-wire covered baseball bat swung carelessly from his hand as always.

"Wives," came his low drawl of a voice, as the tall-dark-haired Saviour gazed lazily around the room at the women, who seemed to bristle at his voice, peering up at him nervously.

But it seemed that, right now, Negan only had eyes for one person.....his dark eyes finally landing on her.

"An' Peaches," he continued, wrinkling his nose and arching his back slightly as he spoke. "Now what are the chances of findin' you here, huh?"

Blake narrowed her eyes in his direction, taking a sip from her glass of wine, shrugging.

Even from here, she felt woozy, finding Negan pretty hard to focus on right now.

"Why? You miss me?" she bit back after a moment or two, repeating his own words back to him.

Negan's grin seemed to widen, showing off his line of straight white teeth, looking surprisingly impressed by her comeback as he eyed her.

"Oh, always, Darlin',"he said cocking his head at her, before tutting. "But you ain't supposed to be here. This is a place for my wives onl,y and since you've protested so much about bein' one of them, I guess you don't get to enjoy their company either."

I think I liked you better when you didn't have a knife in your hand, PeachesWhere stories live. Discover now