Broken glass and giggling fits during sex

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Blake raced down the hallway on bare feet, as Frankie and the others ran ahead, all of them laughing wildly in their drunken state, as they clutched stolen bottles of wine to their chests.

"Oh my god, if anyone finds out about this!" Tanya, with an elated laugh, as she span around at the far end of the hallway, the six of them swiftly ducking down a darkened corridor unfrequented by many Saviours, and used mostly for carting inside scavenged items brought in from the back of the trucks.

Blake, feeling very tipsy and out of breath, due to a combination of the running, the adrenaline pumping through her veins, and her constant uncontrollable giggles, ran as fast as her legs would carry her. Which was difficult, of course, on bare feet, hearing the sound of the wives' clack-clack-clacking of high heels ahead of her as she went.

She was still in her black dress (the only one of the women to be wearing one now, in fact, after their change of clothes back in Blake's room), her long caramel-hair flying behind her as she went.

"Hey!" she cried tipsily, trying hard to keep up with Frankie, giggling hard, as the others as they beckoned her to hurry. "Wait for me!"

She gave a squeal of drunken laughter rounding the corridor, grasping the two bottles of dusty red wine tightly to her chest.

...but something suddenly felt wrong....

And her squeal suddenly became a cry of agony, as she stopped suddenly in her running, limping now, as her eyes fell to her foot...

Oh, what the fuck?!

She stared down, squinting with slightly blurred and inebriated vision, to see that she had left a bloody footprint behind her...

..and another and another...

Blake wobbling slightly, tried to lift her foot, catching the tiniest of glimpse of something that resembled a small shard of glass sticking out of the bottom of her sole....

....but she was too unsteady for this, and without any warning, and, trying as hard as she could to save the two bottles of wine in her arms, Blake fell suddenly backwards, landing on her ass on the cold concrete floor of the corridor, with a loud bump.

"Fuck...owwww, that hurt!" she cried out, hearing the wives up ahead suddenly skid to a halt..

"Blake, what are you doing on the floor, come on, we have to go!" said Michelle with a cackle, as both she and Tanya ran back over to her.

But Blake made a face and gave a small pout of her lips, giving a whimper.

" foot kinda hurts," she said pointing to the cut foot, with one of the bottles of wine, before staring up at the two women and the three other girls who suddenly appeared behind them.

But the wives were no longer paying any attention to her...

...instead, their eyes were now wide, the smiles gone from their faces...all of them staring up at something just over Blake's shoulder.

And all of a sudden, the sound of a long, carrying whistle carried through the corridor.

And Blake glanced around now, only to see a looming, shadowy figure strolling towards them....a familiar looking barbed wire-covered baseball-bat propped up against his shoulder.

She rolled her eyes giving the smallest of groans and hanging her head in drunken annoyance...knowing exactly what Negan's reaction would be to all this.

But the wives on the other hand, all looked terrified, gulps trailing down their throats, clutching the evidence of stolen bottles of alcohol in their hands.

I think I liked you better when you didn't have a knife in your hand, PeachesWhere stories live. Discover now