Living arrangements

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"I don't have a problem with moving in here with you, Negan," Blake said in a cool voice, giving an easy shrug as she padded across the hardwood floor on bare feet, forty minutes later. "It's just that you've never officially asked me."

Negan, who was currently stretched across his large king-sized bed, his arms propped up behind his head, his boots still on, was watching the blonde woman move over towards him with narrowed eyes.

The pair had come up here since their tiring, but highly enjoyable session down in the rec room, Blake having helped herself to a shower whilst Negan relaxed.

But now, having dried off, the blonde woman now had shucked on one of Negan's fresh black t shirts ,which fell to her upper thighs barely covering her ass, and a pair of her own abandoned panties she had found, tucking her long hair behind her ear as she came to join him on the large bed.

"Well here I am fuckin' askin' you now, Peaches," said the dark-haired man with a slight hint of tenderness to his voice, catching Blake's green eyes with his own chocolate gaze.

She immediately felt butterflies in her stomach, blinking slowly at him with a smirk upon her features, as she came to sit on her knees on the mattress beside him.

Negan, with a stiff sigh turned on his side to face her, propping his head up with his elbow, his other free hand reaching out to slide its way up Blake's bare thigh, causing the hem of her shirt to ride up slightly.

" wanna move your shit in here with me?" he asked, his voice now serious, dipping his chin low as he stared up at her.

Blake instantly gave a smile, raising her eyes to the four-poster canopy above their heads.

"Wow, you're such a charmer, you know that?" she commented in an amused tone riddled with sarcasm, looking his way once more.

But Negan paused, a frown twitching his way between his dark brows.

"That a fuckin' yes?" he asked poignantly, his eyes searching her face in a questioning manner.

Right now the normally arrogant Saviour looked like a frustrated and lost little puppy. And that warmed the blonde woman through, to think that he wanted her in his room, and in his life, just that much...

Blake finally gave a small laugh, nodding.

"Yes," she said with a gentle, elated voice, crawling suddenly forwards and coming to straddle his lap, as a satisfied smirk slid its way over Negan's lips, his big calloused hands instantly moving to her curved hips.

To be honest, Blake had already pretty much moved in here with him, Negan barely batting an eyelid when she used his bathroom, or his hot water, or when she tucked Mia into bed with them at the end of each night. The bearded Saviour having definitely grown very accustomed to having her around, but it truly showed what he felt for her now, with him directly asking her to move her stuff into his room. Such a small gesture in the grand scheme of things, but in this world, a little meant so much to Blake.

Giving a grin, and lifting both her hands to toy with her tangled mass of blonde hair, Blake chanced a glance over her shoulder at the large wooden wardrobe in the corner of Negan's room.

"You sure you've got enough closet space for me though?" she asked wrinkling her nose slightly as she spoke in a teasing gesture.

But at her words, the dark-haired Saviour, pulling himself up into a sitting position, with Blake still sitting on his lap, gave a low chuckle, his hands finding her waist as he tugged her into him a bit more.

I think I liked you better when you didn't have a knife in your hand, PeachesWhere stories live. Discover now