Chapter 48: Eram Quod Es, Eris Quod Sum Finale Part 1

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                                                                             (Narrator Pov)

The voice let out an exhausted sigh it's voice seeming oddly empty as it spoke it's next words

".......I see you'll still wish to proceed to learn about happened to the Kitsune and his Leviathans, but let me ask this a very simple question Why? Know this going any further and their story reaches it's conclusion. All of them were just pieces in a game that's been going on for far to long, an unfair one at that one that is constantly being rigged and stacked against them........Hmm?"

The Voice softly laughed not from humor but at it's "guest" thoughts.

"Who rigged the game indeed.......what good will that answer do.........The Fates can not be challenged......what was meant to be shall happen.....and Woe to those who think otherwise" The voice let out another chuckle void of any emotion "Why am I telling you all this? Perhaps because they deserve to have their story told and remembered even if it's only for a brief moment in time to acknowledge despite everything they existed....or perhaps as a warning that all it takes is a single moment to make or break even the strongest person, that after we face a loss we can grow from it and turn into either a strong Hero that gives hope to others through our actions without trying or meaning to a growing source of light in a world filled with an ugly darkness.....or by walking the path of someone who only wanted to help the weak and make the World a better place for the powerless we end up losing sight of our goals and become a Monster to those very same people all for the sake of seeking vengeance in the name of our loved ones....another source of possible growing Light snuffed out by the ever-growing ugliness of the world...and yet even that Darkness can give hope to I said all it will take is a single moment......A Single Loss that can create two opposing sides"

                                      (Pov: First Born) (Time Frame: First Cycle)

     The snow crunched under her feet with each step taken the soft patter of the one walking by her side mimicked hers. Peering over she looked at the smaller figure, the youngest of her siblings a bright cheerful smile on her face and even a spring to her step that reflected her energetic nature, with long dark grey hair that went down to the middle of her back that seemed to flow like water whenever the slightest of breezes went past the both of them with two long dark red horns that curved near the tips one on each side of her head. According to mother out of all their sibling it was the two of them that took after their faðir, when it came to their personalities but for different reasons. Bright like the sun in the sky, filling those with energy just by being in it's presence with a smile to match, and it was because of that smile that other's underestimate the youngest of her siblings often letting their guard down until it was to late. Ithun, according to mother she was similar to faðir in his youth a cheerful smile on her face to hide what they're really feeling, and it was because of that reason that nobody but him understood how her mind work until it was too late one moment she could be dancing and singing with not a care in the world making everyone drop their guard and in the blink of an eye she would pull out her bow and arrow to shoot someone's eyes out or pierce their heart for some slight that only she picked up on, or manipulating other's with that silver tongue of hers to get her way and force other's to make them think what she wanted them to think without them being any wiser.

Ithun: The snow's coming to an end Elle-El.

She bit back her reply resisting all natural urges to rip her little sister's head off, taking a long deep breath. She knew the consequences it only took a brief glimpses forward to find out if she did Ithun would dodge and even if she was somehow successful, and was able to kill her little sister once she made it to their current destination faðir would kill her, when it came down to it no matter what mother said she was pretty sure Ithun was his favorite because her eye's looked more like the Sky Matriarch. She knew better in any case as mother said they may both take after him but it was herself that got the better or perhaps worse parts depending on how you looked at it, Calm and yet Impulsive, Spiteful and yet because of Mother's abilities knowing where those reckless actions lead and the consequences forcing to have to tone them down. Unlike Ithun and her other siblings though she was the only one to inherit faðir's command ability so if she really got the urge she could force her to stay still or shut up but it would just be a waste and not worth the effort to explain why the little Princess was standing around in the middle of nowhere. Make no mistake though she was very much his daughter and was filled with the same amount Spite and while Ithun was safe from that rage that did not extend to everyone that shared her blood. No her rage was being saved for two specific siblings she was going to find and kill those two traitors, the coward who abandoned his pride by running rather than fight and face the chance of dying, and the disgusting brother who rather side with the enemies for the sake of his beloved, him especially she'll show why she's the one who takes the most after their faðir currently, by forcing her brother to watch as she kill's his wife repeatedly in the most painful way possible in this life and the next. That was a matter though for another time besides because of current circumstances she'll allow Ithun this small little show of affection by not saying anything about the nickname, so for this brief moment she allowed it because as much as she hated the nickname there was no malice or the usual teasing tone behind it. It was the opposite her sister was filled with a deep sadness knowing what awaited us at the end, for her it was also a glimpse into the facade that her sister put on lately. Turning her head she looked at Ithun staring up towards the darkness, how many years has it been since the sky shined with stars at night or the clear looking blue of the morning. Now it was just an endless looking void.

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