Chapter 1: The Genius and The Fighter

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                             (AkanePov) (26 Years Before The Current Story)

   Letting out a huge sigh, staring at the cylindrical purple canister with the letter and number A19 on it, putting my fingers to my temples I began rubbing them trying to suppress a headache. The past few years have been spent building this proto combat suit and it's almost finished. Deciding to take a break, a smile formed on my lip when my attention was brought to the other two people in the small room, my husband playing with our newborn son, making ridiculous faces at the child who in return stared at him with a blank expression on his face, his small baby hands than began to reach up grabbing a fistful of his father's (H/C) hair and yanking down with force, as a chuckle escaped my lips. My husband yelped in pain as the child's (E/C) eye's lit up with laughter, looking away covering my mouth with my hand as I began to break out into a laughing fit. Haru rubbed the sore spot on his head as he walked over to me carrying the small child.

Haru: Our F/N is going to be a tough fight like his Father, strong enough to take down even a Sea King with a single punch.

Shaking my head in disagreement I smiled poking our kid in his puffy cheeks as he started staring at the table with the various tools and research notes his eyes lit up just like it did when he pulled on his fathers hair.

Akane: What are you talking about? It's obvious that our little F/N is going to be one of the greatest researchers and inventors of his time that would cause even Dr. Vegapunk to burn with envy.

Haru: No, No, No he's going to be a tough fighter maybe even one day achieving the rank of Marine Admiral and taking down Gold Roger.

Akane: Dear, by time the child is old enough to even join the military and then achieve the rank of Admiral Gold Roger will be an old man. Our F/N will just end up as the guy who beat up an Old Man.

Haru: Hahahahaha that's what you think those pirates have the strength to take over an island with little ease if they choose to, like old age will ever change that, us fighters just get smarter with wisdom to win battles instead of using brute force.

Rolling my (E/C) eyes I let out an annoyed but content sigh hitting him with a playful smirk.

Akane: Says the "Tough" fighter who screamed from a baby pulling his hair.

Haru: What was that ?!?

Akane: Getting Deaf? Old man

Standing up marching with purpose standing in front of him locking my (E/C) eyes with his Gold eyes. He smirked as he looked at the purple canister.

Haru: A19 some researcher, it took you years to make that combat suit, and the best name you came up with in those years was power suit. Not very creative if you ask me.


Haru: Whose Deaf now?

Both our foreheads began to touch, as our conversation got heated a small cry could be heard coming from below, in the arms of Haru looking up two his two parents F/N stared at us with tears rolling down his cheeks. A sorrowful looked appeared on my husband's face, he probably just remembered like me, that F/N since birth tends to be sensitive when it comes to the emotions of others, even if we are having a fight in a different room without yelling our child is somehow able to tell and begins to immediately cry, making us both stop and attend to him to make him happy again, but as we learned fixing his crying is just as easy.

Haru: I'm sorry Honey, guess we both got out of hand again.

Akane: Yeah, I didn't mean any harm only meant it in a playful manner.

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