Chapter 14: Water 7

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                                                         (No-one Pov) (One Week Later)

Lilith: We have reached our Destination F/n!

    Approaching a city that resembled a giant fountain in a volcano shape was the black ghost ship of the Leviathan crew the Tartarus, or as she preferred to go by Lilith. Boudica and Ebisu burst through the door of the crews quarters and up the stair to the main deck of the ship approaching the edge. When they saw the raised buildings with water flowing through it their face showed signs of relief.

Boudica: We're finally going to be on land after so many weeks I thought we would be trapped forever on this sea.

Ebisu: Hahahaha it wasn't too bad Boudica, at least we did not have to stay on that cramped tiny boat for the whole journey. But I must admit it will be good to finally stretch my legs while exploring this island. 

Boudica: Right? Plus I really would like to enjoy some food that isn't fish for once. Maybe something more healthy.

F/n: Worried about your figure?

Stepping out of the captain's cabin, F/n was scratching at his long messy (H/c) hair covering his mouth with one of his hands as he let out a loud yawn. Boudica and Ebisu noticed the sunken look under his (e/c) eye and crimson/black eye from lack of sleep.

Ebisu: Your lack of sleep is making you look worst with each passing day perhaps you should use this time to rest while we look around for the shipwright.

Covering his face with the Kitsune mask F/n waved his hands at the two of them, walking to the edge of the ship next to them to get a look at the island they were approaching.

F/n: I can't sleep for more then a few hours lately and we should be fine for now once we get a shipwright we'll spend a few days resting and exploring and will end up taking off again. So don't worry about me and enjoy your time.

Ebisu: I see well I can't say much to get you to change your mind but do try to rest over these upcoming days.

F/n: Yeah I will, so this is Water 7...

Holding onto the edge of the ship looking over to the city, F/n let out a content sigh from under the mask.

F/n: This is the place with the sea train.

Boudica: Interested in seeing it F/n?

F/n: Yeah really curious about it but for now it will have to wait, our crew comes first and once we make a name for ourselves I'll come back and enjoy it.

Boudica stared at F/n shaking her head at him and patting him on the shoulder.

Boudica: It's should be fine to enjoy it now right? We'll be here for at least a few days so just enjoy it and stopping worrying about unnecessary stuff for now.

F/n turned to face Boudica the mask covering his facial expression as he shook his head in disagreement.

F/n: Sorry if it makes it sound like I'm worrying but that's really not the case, it's just when I see the sea train for the first time I would like to experience it as a veteran pirate alongside Smoothie.

Scratching at his head he turned back to face the rocky cape they were about to dock at while in Water 7.

F/n: The two of us since meeting have always been busy, me with training and her with working under Big Mom's as a commander. The only time we got to spend together was when she would make food for me or we would walk around the different islands. During that time I told her I would like to see the sea train with her as one of our dates. So for now I'll wait.

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