EX 1 A: Pudding

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                                           (Time Skip 2 years later) (No-one's Pov)

    Standing in the middle of the woods stood F/n, his eyes were covered with a blindfold inhaling he stood calmly in-front of the trees surrounding him, his chest was covered with scars left from a sword due to F/n deciding to continue his training with the Sweet Commander who increased the difficulty in training telling him it was for his own good. Now he stood alone it was his day off of training and was meant to be used for him to rest his body, or at least that was supposed to be the plan unable to stay still in his room he decide to come to the seducing woods to improve on his haki.

F/n: Ok Tree Do it!

Tree 1: Aren't you supposed to be resting, if Cracker finds out he's just going to make your training even harder

F/n: It's fine, it's fine don't worry to much as long as you and the other trees don't tell I won't tell so he has no reason to find out.

Tree 1: ........This isn't going to end the way you think, I sense a cloud of bad luck over your head today.

F/n:.............You know I've been getting better at hand to hand combat but i'm lacking something hard to hit, perhaps I should use you as a practice dummy to shut you up.

Tree 1: Fine I get it but don't blame me for whatever happens.

F/n: Yeah thanks, ready when y'all are!

Taking a deep breath F/n concentrated calming his breathing to a slow and steady pace as he did a branch came aiming for the right side of his face, moving his body back to dodge out of the way as he did another branch came swinging towards his legs jumping above the branch. Each time he predicted the path of the branch another would come from one of the other trees aiming for another part of his body with the intent of hitting him and each time he would dodge it at the last second.

F/n: Come on faster and all at once, this is almost too easy, tell you what I wont even move from this spot

Rapidly multiple branches started raining down on him, standing in the same spot, he dodged each one tilting his head backwards when they would come towards his face and leaning either to the left or right if it came towards his body. After hours of training he raised his hands to stop them.

F/n: Okay now try to beat the hell out of me

Tree 1: ........

Listening to him the trees continued the assault towards his body, but instead of dodging this time he started covering the spots of his body with armament haki when the branches made an impact, his arms turning a purple black color as he withstood the hit, and moving it over to his chest when it was aimed towards his body. Like the previous exercise he put his hands up to put a halt to training after spending an hour practicing. F/n took off the blindfold clicking his tongue, in annoyance and as a sign of defeat.

F/n: Damn it! I'm still not there yet, Katakuri can see the future with his observation haki and I heard of people who can clad their body with armament haki.

Tree 1: Still impressive you are at this level with only two years of training

F/n: It's still not enough tree I need to improve much faster if I want to get to their level.

Scratching the back of his head he looked up at the skyline, his eyes widening in horror.

F/n: Oh fuck! How long have I been here?

Tree 1: I do not know but it is approaching the evening and it was morning when you arrived.

F/n:...............I'm a dead man

Fragments 1: One Piece X Pirate Male Reader  Vol 1Where stories live. Discover now