Epilogue: The King of Fire and Queen of the Sky

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                                                      (Smoothie's Room)(100% Island)

     Y/n stared at the person he missed the most in the world, laying down in the bed. Smoothie's stomach had grown larger since he last seen her a sign of two things she was close to giving birth and he missed out on so much time watching their child grow together something that he knew was going to be even more inevitable going further but for now at least he wouldn't miss them being born. Smoothie sat up straighter on the bed looking at her husband, he looked different the way he styled his hair the once shiny color seeming to grow dull in color tied into a braided ponytail that hung over his shoulder, the eye-patch covering his (e/c) eye, and his missing arm, she wanted to laugh at what he was wearing not because it didn't suit him the opposite he looked even more handsome and intimidating wearing a black suit and pants that matched but Y/n wasn't the type that liked to dress fancy claiming prior to one of Mama's tea party's and even on their own wedding day that the more fancy he dressed the more constricting and itchy it made him feel. But even if he looked slightly different the way Y/n stared at her she could feel the caring look he gave her.

Smoothie: Are you hoping by changing your look that I wouldn't recognize you, and you could somehow avoid me killing you?

Y/n looked down at his clothing giving a small smirk and shrugging his shoulders trying to lighten the mood between the two, he knew what was about to happen and deserved all of it and more.

Y/n: Not my idea....i guess you well you could call her my cousin in a way...in any case she really stressed that I can't dress like a homeless buffoon that appearances are everything. No-one will take me serious otherwise.

Smoothie head picked up slightly hearing Y/n mention something about a cousin as far as she knew, Y/n only had two family members and both of them died when he was a baby.

Smoothie: Cousin?

Y/n gave a heavy sigh walking closer and cautiously towards the bedside of his wife. Every step he took closer caused their hearts to quicken being in the presence of their other half.

Y/n: More like cousins and even that word is being generous not really sure what to categorize them as, they're my blood relatives but more.....I don't know I'm still trying to wrap my head around it Smoothie. Last time I saw you everything was so simple, I was just a simple Pirate Captain.....

Smoothie saw his whole body tense up and the look in his eyes growing distant and empty the room growing silent, the air around them growing hotter. Smoothie reached out now that he was closer taking his hands and giving it a small squeeze to let him know she was there to comfort him.

Y/n: Sorry Smoothie some days it's like I'm living it all over again forced to experience one of my greatest failures....

Y/n felt the burden on his shoulders growing heavy alone in the room with the one person he could actually show weakness around, it all came crashing down squeezing her hand back collapsing to his knees, he stared down at the ground,

Y/n: Hey you're actually here right Smoothie? This isn't one of those moments i'm being forced to rewatch right? I can't handle it Smoothie....every-time I close my eyes for longer than a few minutes I'm sent back to watch their deaths. My crews, my parents,....and the ones I never met and yet i'm still connected to "his" grand-children and wife....forced to watch deaths that I will cause in the future....Fufuhahahahahahahahaha it's like a huge joke blessed with a level of observation some would probably kill for to fulfill their selfish ambitions. I would kill myself to get rid of it, it's painful Smoothie I don't know how much more I can take......I'm supposed to lead others.....and I already began taking steps towards that path...knowing it's going to bring more pain and bloodshed.....So please Smoothie tell me this isn't one of those painful moments i'm being forced to experience....that i'm actually here with you.

Fragments 1: One Piece X Pirate Male Reader  Vol 1Where stories live. Discover now