Chapter 9: Avoid the eye's of the Marines

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-For this chapter anything inside something like this is the characters whispering to each other-


                          (Time Skip thirty minutes later) (No one's pov) (Groove 15)

   Running through the grooves was F/n and Boudica currently they were being chased by Marines, using the cover of night to hide behind a large mangrove tree, kneeling next to each other the red hair female put her finger to her lips listening to the Marines that was currently making their way towards the location of the two.

Boudica: -shh we don't want them to hear us thankfully it's still night, so we have a slight advantage around this time there are less Marines stationed around the lawless zones-

F/n: -Don't shh me we're only in this predicament because you gave the Marines time to catch up to us-

Boudica: -Sorry I needed to find the guy who was going to sell us off I had unfinished business with him-

When the Marines currently near their position passed them the two slowly ran forward avoiding any fallen leaves and sticks on the ground, if they stepped on any of the objects that made a noise it would only take one lucky Marine to hear it before multiple more would be on the two.

F/n: -I'm not going to really complain but are you sure just cutting his hands off was fine, I think it would have been better to just kill him.-

Hearing the snapping of sticks in front of them the two came to a complete stop, listening to and staring in the direction the sound came from for any sudden movements or sounds of foot steps.

Boudica: -the thought of killing him may have made sense but I feel the punishment fits the crime with those hands how many others has he captured and sold off into a life of slavery, people he may have took advantage of, now he has to deal with the shame of living never being able to touch another human-

A single Marine walked inches in front of them looking around, F/n pointed to the Marine, pulling out her sword she nodded slowly creeping forward as his back was turned and quickly jumping up she covered his mouth with her hand and plunged the sword into his back, throwing his body into a near by bush. Using a pile of leaves he grabbed while she approached him, F/n covered the splashes of blood that fell on the ground.

F/n: -hopefully he didn't tell anyone what direction he was going or else the second they notice he went missing more will come to check the general area.-

Boudica: -We should hurry and proceed if that's the case at this pace it's still going to take us some time until we reach groove five and meet up with Ebisu-

F/n: -well that's the idea but I don't see it going as smoothly as you think it's going to be if we keep up this pace we'll make it to groove five but Marine Headquarters isn't to far from here and it's been at least 30-45 minutes since we left the slave house and may have been an additional five minutes or since the slaver called Marine hq, Marine Admirals are freaks of nature it's only a matter of time until whoever they send is on our tail-

Boudica: -You're right I almost forgot the marines here aren't our only problem, if the Marine Admiral catches up to us it's either Impel down or Death, maybe attacking and killing a world noble wasn't the brightest idea F/n-

F/n: -You think? I did it knowing that they would send an Admiral i'm fine with running into them, actually if we do run into them I want you to continue running straight to groove five without stopping i'll handle it my devil works better when I don't have to sneak around-

Fragments 1: One Piece X Pirate Male Reader  Vol 1Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα