Chapter 38: A Stranger's Memory

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                            (Time-Skip Night) (100% island) (F/n /Smoothie's Home)

   After Dinner was served the crew retired to their respective guest bedroom followed by Smoothie taking F/n by the hand and leading him to their room. Opening the door to their brightly lit room Smoothie stood in the middle with her arms behind her back watching as F/n looked around the area. F/n stopped walking and stared at the floral design of the wallpaper in the room.

F/n: Roses? I feel like i'm forgetting something important now that I get a good look at our walls, but I can't remember what it is.

Smoothie: Should I ask about your opinion on our room or will you give the same type of answer that you gave downstairs?

F/n: You know me so well Darling

Smoothie: D-d-darling please.....that's embarrassing to hear I can't handle those romantic type of nicknames

F/n smirked walking pass Smoothie and towards the large bed when he noticed a couple of familiar picture frames on the right bed side table. Picking up the first one he stared down at the picture in the frame, it was of Pudding when she was still a young child crying with vanilla ice cream on her shirt with a younger teenage F/n laughing as Smoothie slept on a red and white picnic blanket, remembering the day the picture was taken he couldn't help but smile it was one of the rare peaceful moments he got to spend with them. Smoothie walked over staring at the picture that was currently in F/n's hand, looking down she joined him smiling as she remembered the day.

F/n: I remember this day clearly the three of us went on a picnic after I finished a rough week of training with Cracker. I had to force the two of you to come with me because neither of you liked me very much.

Smoothie: .....I've always loved you even when I didn't say it, but it's not like I could admit at the time I was in love with you, and well Pudding is Pudding she's not really great at showing her emotions to others if she's not close with them.

F/n: Fufuhahaha I know and i've always loved you as well even if I had to wear you down until you gave up and confessed that you were just as crazy about me as I was crazy about you.

F/n put the picture down and picked up one of the other picture frames. The picture was of a slightly older F/n and Smoothie, both of them surrounded by the lively trees and candy of the seducing woods with F/n laying his head in Smoothie's lap as she ran her fingers through his long messy (H/c) hair.

Smoothie looked mischievously at F/n as she stared at the next picture he picked up from the bed side table.

Smoothie: How about that picture do you remember the day it was taken?

F/n closed his eyes humming loudly as he pretended to think long and hard about the picture, making Smoothie upset when she thought he forgot about the day. Smoothie gave him a sulky look as F/n continued pretending to think about it.

Smoothie: please don't tell me you forgot about that day it's one of the most important days of our lives.

F/n waited until Smoothie leaned in closer and gave her a long deep kiss on the lips, his tongue entering her mouth, Smoothie closing her eyes as their tongue wrestled around with each other. Her breathing getting faster as F/n bit on Smoothie's lower lip, making her pout when he pulled away from her lips.

F/n: Of course I remember that day, it was the day we shared our first kiss. You wanted to go some place quiet and away from the other members of your family, so we went to the woods and just walked for what felt like hours. Fufuhahaha I got tired from all the walking and rested on your lap and one of your mother's homies took the picture until you yelled at all of them scaring the hell out of all the homies in the woods to the point that they quickly ran away.

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