Chapter 34: Ripple in the Underworld

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   Boudica, Ebisu, and F/n arrived late in the afternoon to the residence of Big Mom and the three of them were instructed by her soldiers to wait in his room until she was ready to see them. After waiting for over an thirty minutes F/n sat on his large bed laying his head back onto a pillow looking up at the ceiling while the other two had a look around his room.

F/n: Fufuhahaha this is pretty nostalgic I think it was probably about nine years ago when I was in a similar situation waiting to speak to Big Mom, so much has changed since that moment.

Ebisu saw a skull mask laying in between a pile of metal scraps and tools picking it up he looked over the mask noticing the scratch marks around different areas that looked like it came from various weapons hitting it.

Ebisu: F/n was this the mask that you previously wore?

F/n lazily lifted his head from the bed looking towards Ebisu direction and at the skull mask in his hands.

F/n: Yeah strange I could've swore that  i told Smoothie she could throw it away.....

F/n scratched his head thinking really hard about it for a minute eventually shrugging his shoulders in defeat.

F/n: Well whatever.....yeah I don't really need that mask though anymore since it doesn't belong to me

F/n dug in his (F/c) jacket pulling out the Kitsune mask Smoothie gave him at the start of his Journey.

F/n: This mask belongs to the Captain of a group of misfits, that mask belongs to the assassin of the Vinsmokes and he died years ago.

Ebisu: I see compared to your current mask it does indeed have a different feel to it.

Ebisu sat the mask back on the spot he found it as he did F/n stared at the skull mask with hate filled eyes until he was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the sound of something crashing to the ground. Looking over to another area further in the room he saw Boudica buried under a large pile of Books in-front of an empty Book case. Getting up from his spot he walked over to Boudica grabbing her by the hand and pulling it with a hard tug to free her. Boudica stared at him rubbing the back of her head embarrassed after being caught off guard by the books falling on her when she tried to pull one out from it's tight spot between the other books on the shelf.

F/n: Are you a kid or something that doesn't know how to stay still, do I need to stay by your side and watch to make sure you don't end up hurting yourself or getting into trouble.

F/n smugly grinned at Boudica for once he got to tell her the same thing she always told him whenever he vanished after making it to an island. Noticing the dust covering her body he used the sleeves of his Jacket to start gently smacking the dust from the books and floor off her body.

F/n: What would you do without such a reliable Captain

Boudica's eyebrows twitched with annoyance unable to say anything back to him allowing him to enjoy his brief moment of superiority.

Boudica: ............Thanks F/n

F/n: ......................................

Not hearing a response and feeling him continuously dusting off the same spot the area around her shoulder for the past few seconds Boudica looked at F/n now following his gaze, noticing that every-time he smacked at the dust on her shoulder, it made her chest bounce in response.

Boudica: .................................

F/n: ........................................

Boudica stared at the look of amazement F/n had on his face, her cheeks turning completely red as he continued smacking the dust off her shoulder and watching her chest bounce. Ebisu watched the two of them from the side of the room letting out a loud cough snapping the two of them out of their thoughts.

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