Chapter 45: Red

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                   (Whole Cake Island) (100% percent island)(Smoothie/ Y/n's Home)

   The quiet sound of light classical music filled the home of the female sweet commander. Smoothie for the past few weeks has been following the same usual end of the day routine, listening to calming music and drinking tea that left the taste of ginger and mint spreading out over her tongue. Every other day entertaining the two guest that visited, the first was her little sister Pudding and the second was the crew-mate of her husband Boudica. After deciding to temporary part ways with Y/n and returning home she took it upon herself to start personally training the red hair female in addition to the training she was already receiving from Citron and Cinnamon. Sipping the tea she scanned Boudica over, her left eye was bruised and looked swollen, both fist covered in bloodstained bandages. Her once long flowing red hair cut to shoulder length.

Smoothie: Do you feel like giving up yet? Neither my husband or myself would blame you, not many people can survive training under an Emperor's commander.

Smoothie smirked she already knew the answer that was coming, but wanted to hear the words come out of the other female's mouth. Boudica picked up her cup of tea trying her hardest to drink out of it the temperature of it causing a chain reaction of pain, the cuts in and around her making it hard to drink.

Boudica: This much isn't enough to make me quit, it's just a few bruises nothing more i'll be fine in a few hours and ready by tomorrow morning to continue with my training.

Pudding: that stubbornness reminds me of that idiot Captain of yours. Do you remember Smoothie there was that one day he trained with brother Cracker and came back with both eyes swollen shut and a lump the size of a pumpkin on his head. If i wasn't walking by that day he would've fallen into and drowned in the sea. That idiot was walking around blindly trying to feel his way back home from the seducing woods.

Smoothie: I remember that day very well, he got cocky and thought he could beat Cracker because of his new devil fruit abilities. Despite the others and myself warning him several times to stop trying to provoke the end he didn't listen and got beat really bad. I was upset for days after seeing him in that state, and warned him if he ever tried that again Cracker kicking his ass would be the least of his worries.

Boudica: and what happened after that?

Pudding: Hahahaha why don't you tell her what happened after. 

Smoothie: You should know your captain just as well as us by now Boudica. After fully healing up, it didn't even take half day until he decided to test his devil fruit against Katakuri. It ended up worse. Cracker despite how he looks and acts has a very small soft spot for Y/n as the one who trained him the longest since he first arrived on the island would hold back. But Katakuri on the other hand those two have formed a very strange antagonistic rivalry since day one. Let's just say it took sometime until his bones healed and for a few weeks his face was unrecognizable.

Boudica stared at the cup of tea in her hand, hearing that story reminded her of the times Y/n would do stuff like that jump into a fight without thinking through his actions despite constant warnings from Sachi and herself to wait until he was fully healed.

Boudica: So he's been hard headed and impossible to control even before becoming our Captain, I thought it was just him trying to make my life and the rest of the crews life harder just for the fun of it.

Pudding: I'm pretty sure that's his specialty annoying people for the fun of it. It's not like he has anything else going for him besides fighting and building weapons. Maybe he should put that effort into learning how to cook. I don't understand how you can fall in love with someone who can't even cook sister. His only worth his fighting and annoying us.

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