Chapter 7: Shakky's Rip Off Bar

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                                 (5 Years Later) (No-one Pov) (Sabaody Archipelago)

   Two figures were relaxing on the outskirt of groove two, eating a boxed lunch by a boat that was currently being prepared to set off by the crew on board, the taller was a female wearing a long pink cloak with silver sleeves, her white hair covered with an oversize beret. The other was a smaller male whose head was currently resting in her lap, she gently stroked his hair with her free hand while she fed him with the other. He was wearing a tattered black cloak, with the hood down currently exposing his now longer messy (H/C) hair. Over the past five years the average sized teen grew to adulthood now standing taller and more fit due to his training under Cracker that continued over the years. F/n humming to himself as he ate the food being fed to him, today was the moment he's been waiting for since he was a child the day he was scheduled to set out on his own journey and build his pirate crew.

Smoothie: Did you make sure to bring all your weapons?

F/n: Just about only decided to bring the essentials wouldn't want to over pack. Plus I don't feel like I need most of them anymore.

Smoothie: F/n you shouldn't get to overconfident pirates on the Grand Line aren't like the small little wars you fought back in the North Blue.

F/n: I know, I know but compared to dealing with Cracker and occasionally Katakuri constantly trying to kill me, I feel like making a name for myself in Paradise is going to be way easier.

Smoothie: And i'm telling you not to get overconfident just like you there are other rookies trying to make a name for themselves, if anything they have more experience when dealing with other crews,marines,and bounty hunters.

F/n: I'm hurt that you lack so little faith in me dear.

Using the chopsticks she had in her hand she covering it in armanent haki she jabbed him hard in the ribs, with a playful smile she looked at him jump from the pain before settling back down into her lap.

Smoothie: See you let your guard down to easily when you become relaxed. A veteran pirate would have knew that was coming.

F/n: And how the hell would I have know that you would use chopsticks to try and stab me, sometimes I think you're just trying to kill me.

Smoothie: you found out, of course i'm trying to kill you lacing the food with poison and the stabbing is all apart of my plan to get rid of you so I can be single again.

F/n grabbed at the area of his chest where his heart was pretending to be in pain.

F/n: Your words hurt more then the chopsticks, but I also know it's just you worrying about me in a very weird way like always so thanks. I'll make sure to be careful.

For F/n it was a happy day that marked the start of his pirate journey but for the couple it was also a bittersweet day since it also marks the day when the two will part for an unknown amount of time, longer then the two have ever been apart from each other, the next time the two will meet is when Big Mom calls him back to the island to marry Smoothie.

F/n: and I finally broke you down and got you to show affection for me in public, but hmm when I think about it, if i were single wouldn't I be super popular with other women do you think I could pick up a princess or even a mermaid. Ouch sorry

Gasping in pain he started to laugh when the hand that was playing with his hair grabbed a fistful and started yanking it with force.

Smoothie: I see so the pirate that ends up killing you is me despite me constantly warning you not to make me mad.

Fragments 1: One Piece X Pirate Male Reader  Vol 1Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon