Chapter 46: A Silent Demon

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                     (Back to the Present) (Unknown Island) (Y/n Pov)

Y/n: ......even in......end you refuse smile direction............

I kept my eyes closed waiting for the end to arrive. That numbness like always surging through my body voiding me of any major pain that I was supposed to feel. Was it the rage still coursing through my body or perhaps it's from that asshole's experimentation. Maybe it was a mixture of both. Well in the end it really doesn't matter without anyone else around to see me off to the next life I no longer needed to pretend I was a human.

Y/n: .....But....who....exactly was I...pretending for.......?

Speaking the words out loud the question echoing through my head several more times. Not like I have anything else to do until my body finally decides to give up and allows me to move on. Besides i'm stuck here anyway, my body is a complete wreck. So why was "I" pretending to feel pain during all those fights and through all that training, from the broken bones to cuts I could never feel anything at all just pure numbness. Yet "I" continued the act from childhood all the way up to now.

Y/n: Fufuhahahaha........well.....that's not completely true........there was always pain that "I" could never get rid of...cough...but in the end if by some miracle I survive it won't ever return're still in there listening right?....tell me......why did "I" pretend for all those years?...was it for them?...or.."myself"?

No matter how hard I think about the question and no matter how many times I ask, that particular question won't be answered. After all it's not why i'm here in the first place, even if it was for a short period I served my purpose back above on that island. But if i'm allowed to regret anything it would be that I couldn't make our shared dreams come true.

Y/n: ......that impossible beautiful dream......thought up by the Assassin.......and improved on by the Kitsune.........hmm?....wait what again....?

Another question answered with silence. The ones who could provide the answers asleep leaving me to think it over myself. 

Y/n: cough....That's fine I don't need the answer to that particular question...cough...i'm sure if I think hard enough it'll come back to me.........cough

The violent ocean's waves smacking against the shoreline caught my attention the sound of my true target was so close just a few feet away. I couldn't help but continue to laugh at the ridiculousness of my luck, the metallic liquid taste pooling inside of my mouth causing me to cough it out.

Y/n: cough cough cough

The almost like clockwork earthquakes of the island forcing me away from my current thoughts. Using whatever strength I had remaining to lift my head and open my eyes, complete darkness already overtook the damaged left side earlier but out of the right I could see what was causing the blood to pool out of my mouth. A large sharp looking jagged rock pierced somewhere through my back and out of the stomach forcing me to look upwards. The once clear blue skies dyed pitch black still raining down that familiar purple lightening on the rest of the island, with each strike a loud roaring thunder followed.

Y/n: ...such a......rowdy group as always...even after I failed you all....cough..thanks for staying with me until the end..cough...i'm...cough..sorry...cough cough......

Turning my head to the side glancing down in the direction of my left hand. Gazing at what was once a black wedding ring now stained in dark red blood. The red liquid covering each broken and twisted finger all the way up to the back of my hand. Not to bad just a few broken fingers that's more than I can say about the other side. Looking to the right I stared at where my right arm was supposed to be, now it was just a bleeding stump of exposed flesh and bone thanks to the missing appendage. Sighing setting my sight back on the ring, knowing that beautiful rose of mine if she saw the current state of my body she would probably follow me to the afterlife just to drag me back out and squeeze me to death with that devil fruit of hers as punishment. The thought of Smoothie doing all that making me weakly laugh until I started coughing up blood. Lifting my left hand onto my chest and resting the finger with the ring on it near my heart. The stained ring was getting harder to see, with my eyelids getting harder to keep open and everything was just a hazy blur but if i'm going to die I want her as close as possible.

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