Chapter 49: Eram Quod Es, Eris Quod Sum Finale Part 2

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                (Location: Reverse Side)(Time Frame Moment's before Kuan's Death)

    Deep in the Kingdom of fire at the very center was a large castle built using a dark black obsidian stone, a castle where it's warrior trained day in and day out non stop for hours. Their training watched over by the one who was a descendant from the ninth born daughter of The King of Flames and Sky Matriarch. And on the other side of the castle was a shrine dedicated to the Sky and the Flame two thrones, one a large deep black and the other a royal blue color that represented the very sky itself. It was in that very room where the Shrine Priestess prayed every day as was her duty Akira woke up before the others cleaned any ash that made it's way in from the outside off the thrones and she prayed in the name of the Founder and His wife, she prayed and gave thanks to the ancestors and their descendants such as the one that currently resided in that very castle. 

     A task that she has been doing everyday since she was a little girl preparing for what awaited her when she was older. It was through her mother's teaching that Akira learned that one day it would be her duty take over as the head shrine maiden, just like how she did for her mother and how her Grandmother did the same going back for generations. When she was young she never understood the reason she wanted to learn to fight and train like the warriors or perhaps live on the other side just like those from the side branch of their clan the ones who had more freedom to act like children and just have normal childhood. But it wasn't meant to be everyone had a purpose, a place they were meant to be and a duty to serve. Those from the side branch could live on the other side because their blood connection to the Sky Matriarch and Flame King was minimal at best, the Warriors were allowed to train because their ancestors fought and trained along side the Founder and his children even being granted some of his blood to partake in as a reward transforming them from whatever they were to something more similar to the ancestors and the nine children, so in a way their blood was more connected to him and yet they weren't really family usually the warriors would travel to the other side to take a husband or wife to continue their line. Yet certain rules had to be mainted the side branched couldn't live on the reverse side without a good reason and the warriors couldn't marry into the Main Branch but could live on the reverse side and was allowed to travel to the other side to find a mate and continue their line. Then there was those like her family not quite the main branch and yet not part of the side branch nor were they descended from the Flame King's allies, no if anything her blood connection was the second strongest of those that lived in this castle, one of her Ancestors was one of the children of the Sky Matriarch and Flame King the problem was no one knew which one for sure the only thing they knew for Certain is at one point one of his children slept with someone random and had a child and that child grew up got married and had children of their own and so on never keeping track of who their mother or father was because it was probably a mistress or lover to one of the Ancestor's children not an official marriage but well as far as Akira was concerned it sucked truth be told. Then lastly their was the Lady of the castle if Akira blood connection to the two was second strongest in terms of purity, then the Lady of the Castle's Blood was the Purest unlike Akira, the Lady knew which child and line she was descended from the Ninth Born and according to every source she read over in the Shrine sacred text one of the Flame King's favorite daughters. Royalty among Royalty was what the lady of the castle was when compared to everyone else that lived in the castle and on the other side, Akira wasn't bitter it was just the luck of the draw perhaps if her ancestor didn't sleep around, and married whoever they slept with she would be just as much as royalty and would have more freedom to walk a different path other then a shrine maiden that was stuck with reading text about those that came before them. Plus it's not like any of them lived badly each side had their pros and cons warriors did nothing but train but could visit the other side on their days off and could get married and once they reached a certain age they could retire and chose to continue living on the reverse side or live with their mates on the other side, the side branch couldn't live on the reverse side without a good reason but they had freedom on the other side they could sleep around or even leave the island though that came with it's own problem so no-one ever chose that option. Those like her and the Lady of the castle well their options were very limited they couldn't just sleep around, and had to be faithful to their partner because Sky Matriarch forbid you went against her very tenants, they also couldn't visit the other side without reason but they were granted one thing the others didn't have access to the Bridge of Rainbows but it still required a lot of energy to use usually it took her and the Lady of the Castle to power it so they couldn't use it often maybe once every couple of years.

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