Chapter 26

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The next day, the first thing Hermione did was call her travel agent and booked her return flight as soon as possible. All the flights for the next two days were already fully booked so she accepted the red-eye flight on the third day. She didn’t care that she had to be in the airport by two in the morning,  all she cared for was she arrived in London and go straight to whoever he is McGonagall found

Hermione started packing her stuff, just leaving a few clothes in the closet that she would be wearing in her last days here in Australia, she called the front desk and told them that she would be leaving by 2 in the morning on Wednesday, so she would like her room to be checked out by then.

She didn’t know if she  has to tell the boys about her upcoming departure, nor does she wants to think about telling Ginny and the others about the development here with these Slytherin guys. Would it do any harm if she kept these secrets to herself? A groan escaped her lips as she laid down on the floor, and her head on top of her luggage. She closed her eyes for a few minutes, and gathered what she knew by then.

1.        She found her parents.

2.       They’re breaking her curse without them knowing.

3.       Blaise and Draco found out who she really was.

4.      They both like her though.

5.        And someone is alive and back at their headquarters, she just doesn’t know who.

Ticking these things off, she decided on tackling her parents mysterious curse breaking tendencies in the remaining two days she has left in Australia. She stood up, changed her clothes, changed her appearance to Alexis, and went downstairs to get herself a cab.

Blaise was waiting for her at the bar. It was almost a deja vu of their date. But now, he was waiting for her for a different reason. He didn’t know what happened between Draco and her, but he intends to find out, or at least know how she is feeling. When he left this morning, Draco was already gone, he thought maybe  he went to Hermione, but when he asked Theo, he said he left in the wee hours of the morning. Blaise doubted that he would have gone that early to Hermione’s room.

He glanced at the elevator doors and when it opened, he raised a brow as he saw Herm- Alexis going out, and as he guessed it, without Draco. Blaise stood up and as he stared at Alexis, he knew that she was quite determined on what she was planning, all he has to do is figure out what.


Alexis nodded at him, and gave a little smile.

“Where are you going?”

“Why? Are you here to come with me? Or stop me?” she asked with a raised brow.

“I’m here to go with you, baby.”

Alexis shook her head amusingly, and patted Blaise’s shoulder. The guy offered her his arm, and gladly accepted as he ed them both out of the hotel. They hailed a cab, and Alexis told the driver the address of her parents.

“Why are we going there?” Blaise asked.

“Because I have to check something.”

Blaise looked at her, waiting for her to elaborate. But when she didn’t, he gave her arm a nudge.

“Well? Why are we going there?”

“Because I think  my parents are...” she sighed, not knowing how to explain it. “I’m not really sure how, but I think they are breaking the Obliviate I used on them.”

“How? I mean, they’re muggles.”

Alexis shrugged in return, knowing full well that they don’t have the capacity to break the curse. But why is it happening?

Blaise frowned, there was something bothering him at the back of his head but he can’t grab it to be able to remember it fully. He knows something is wrong, but he can’t remember what, and that deeply frustrated him.

The taxi cab stopped in front of the house, and Alexis went out of  the car while Blaise paid for their meter. She was glad that  no one was inside, she knew this because her parent’s van was no where in sight.

“So... how will you fix the curse without them here?” Blaise questioned.

“I want to find out first how they are breaking the curse. Maybe I left something that would remind them of me, or an owl has delivered a letter to them. Just something.” She said with a hint of desperation in her voice. She didn’t want her parents endlessly looking for her in every girl they want to adopt.

They broke in the house with a simple Alohomora spell, and started searching for anything that might be related to Hermione. They turned everything down and put it back at the exact place, but they found nothing that could cause the breakage of the curse. They were about to head out when Alexis saw Crookshanks out of the corner of her eye. A small gasp escaped her lips, causing Blaise to turn at where she was currently looking.

“Who’s that cat? Is that yours?”

Alexis nodded, though she doubted the cat knows her in this form. She warily stepped closer to the cat, and it purred in return, which made the girl confused. Knowing Crookshanks, she’s not a very friendly cat, so she was quite curious on why the animal was waiting for her to pet her like she was no stranger. Well, she wasn’t but  does Crookshanks know that she’s Hermione?

“Hey there silly cat.” She said with a sweet voice while slowly kneeling down. The cat purred again while moving closer to Alexis. When the cat was in petting distance, Alexis placed her hand  in front of her and the cat voluntarily stepped closer and nuzzled her hand like before.

She smiled longingly, she didn’t know how much she missed her cat, until she saw her again. Blaise let her play with it for a while, enjoying the little giggles that Alexis was making whenever Crookshanks roll around just to catch  her hand and cuddle with it. Then an idea came to his mind.

“Maybe it’s her.” He muttered.

Alexis looked up at him and  frowned. She then looked back at the cat, she nodded understandingly. There was no doubt about it, the cat remembers her, and  she bets everything she got that the cat is the one making her parents remember their daughter.

“What do you propose we do? We just can’t get her, they’ll try to find her, and I can’t get another family member from my parents.” She explained, hurt visible in her eyes.

Blaise nodded, and thought of a way to actually solve the girl’s problem. But he can’t think of anything else but to get the cat away, and obviously Hermione doesn’t want that to happen.

“Then we’ll just leave her here. There’s nothing we can do.”

“Yeah, I guess that’s true.” She stood up, as if playing with her cat any longer would make her break down and never leave the house again. She then nodded towards the door, pointing out that they needed to go already.

Blaise then ushered her out, his hand behind the small of her back. He can feel the tense muscles  on her as they heard the cat purring sadly behind the closed door. He rubbed her back soothingly as he led her to the sidewalk. They couldn’t risk apparating, because every apparation can be traced by the Ministry, and so the report would go back to You-Know-Who that Blaise apparated somewhere with a girl they do not know of.

They hailed another cab,  and went back to the hotel. As Blaise guided the girl back to her room, they saw her door opened. A frown formed at both of their foreheads, someone broke in, the muggle way.

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