Chapter 9: Cat Decision

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but the plot is my idea, and other things that belongs to me. 

Thanks for reading! 


"That creep!" Alexis shivered as she stared at the spot where Zabini was standing. She let out a sigh of relief as she began to calm herself down from her previous running. It will really take ages before those Death Eaters give up on finding Hermione, and that will give her enough time to help relocate the Finnigans.

So, Alexis hurried down the house of Seamus, scanning around to make sure she wasn't being followed nor being watched, she was about to turn right at their gate when she heard a stick breaking.

"Who's there?" she called out, touching her wand, getting ready if she has to send a spell. Her eyes searched whatever it was that made the sound and she nearly cried out when she saw the familiar cat at the side of the wall. After a few seconds the cat turned into an old woman, with a pointy emerald hat and matching emerald robes, just like she always remember her on the first day she visited.

"Professor McGonagall!" Alexis ran towards her and practically hugged the life out of the lady. She was in near tears when she started hugging her in return and soothing her back.

"It's okay dear, I'm okay Ms. Granger. But this is no time for chitchatting, I was with Ms. Weasley when she got the letter you sent, and I purposely told her that she stays and I'll go." She said with that firm and determined eyes, which meant that no one can persuade her to do otherwise.

"Now, let's help Mr. Finnigan and his family." She continued.

Both witches walked towards the door, and as soon as they opened it, they were greeted with wands raised to their faces by both Seamus and Mrs. Finnigan. They held both their hands as if to surrender and saw a flicker of recognition from the two.

"Hermione!" Seamus said as he came up to her and hugged her, patting her back gently. "Thank you for coming. But you shouldn't have done what you did. I saw you, they saw you." He continued as he held her shoulders in place keeping Alexis in an arm distance from him.

"What did you... never mind, we'll talk about that later Ms. Granger because we have to move now" Professor McGonagall inserted.

They started packing things that were necessary and important to them and placed all other things that might trace them in the middle of the living room. Seamus went down the basement to help his father and she gave a hand to Mrs. Finnigan in the other things. The oldest witch among them ushered the rest outside and gave them instructions to use her hat as a port key.

"What are you going to do Professor?" Mr. Finnigan said, his eyes blinking rapidly as he went out of the house again for the first time.

"A simple destruction spell Mr. Finnigan, now go, all of you I'll be there shortly. Just say pinkpuff and it will get you to the destination."

They eyed the old woman curiously as she said pinkpuff, what the hell was that?

"Pinkpuff, professor?" Alexis questioned, making sure she didn't heard wrong.

"Yes dear, pinkpuff. Oh for Merlin's sake just say it." She snapped as they were still confused with the words coming out of her mouth. It was just too adorable!

They then all held the hat and said "pinkpuff". As soon as the word was out, she felt a very familiar pull from the hat and seconds after they were flying up in the air. The last thing she heard was Incendio being shouted and then they landed in the front of a small cottage like house with a very blossoming garden, no gates, no fence, just a garden to welcome anyone. Hermione could never get their garden to look like that, muggle way or with spells.

The group just stared at the house for quite a while, when they heard a poof out of their sides, and saw Professor McGonagall graciously standing. She smiled at them very sincerely and walked towards the house, waving at them to follow her. And they did.

The inside of the house was more amazing than the outside, it was simple yet very elegant, very cozy, and undeniably feels like home.

"Oh, thank goodness!" Ginny shouted from the kitchen and ran towards Alexis first, giving her a swift hug, and then she went to Seamus. "I'm glad you're alright." Giving him a warm embrace as the Finnigan couple in the room sorted out their things.

"I wouldn't be if it weren't for Hermione." He said bluntly.

"About that dear, what was the thing you did that Mr. Finnigan said you shouldn't have done?" Professor interjected, eyeing the accused witch like a hawk.

"I-uh... I sort of..."

"She changed her appearance to Hermione and made herself bait Professor. The Death Eaters saw her and chased her, all of them." Seamus answered bluntly for her.

"Bloody hell! Hermione! You shouldn't have! If they have gotten you..." Ginny trailed off, Mione knew what she meant of course, losing her, her best friend, her sister from another family, if it were Granger, and she wouldn't have made it through as well.

"I'm very proud of you my dear, you are a true Gryffindor, and a true friend." Professor McGonagall stated, giving Alexis one of those rare motherly smiles from her. She gave the old lady a smile back, and went towards her. She gave Alexis' head a light pat, like her parents used to do when they know she made the right choice.

"But," McGonagall started again, making the young lady look up at her "now that they know you are here, you have to go far away Ms. Granger. You can come back when it boils down, just then. Understand?"

"What do you mean Professor?" Ginny asked, listening intently on the conversation.

"I meant moving away Ms. Weasley. It's only temporary"

"Moving away? What? Bu-" Alexis started to protest, but Professor McGonagall looked at her with her brow raised and her lips pursed.

"No buts Hermione Jean." The said witch stiffened, Professor calling her Hermione with the Jean means that she is very worried and she can't argue with her. Alexis bowed and shook her head gently before looking back at her again with understanding eyes.

"Where do I have to go?"



[a/n: someone messaged me why Draco hasn't made an appearance yet. Well, I was just looking for just that! Readers missing him! and now you do, I'll MAYBE *wink* have a dramione moment at the next chapter. hope you enjoyed! ♥jaijai]

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