Chapter 7: Confessions part2

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but I do own the plot and other things that is of my possession! 


"WHAT?!" The three chorused, their eyes almost popped out of their sockets as they processed what she just confessed to them.

"I snogged Malfoy" Hermione admitted again.

"We heard you Mione, but why?" Luna asked, her doe like eyes almost looked pleading at her to tell her that it was all a joke, that that wasn't the reason why she locked herself in her room.

"I don't k-"

"What do you mean you don't know? Were you under a curse?"Neville said as he was trying to make sense of all that she said.

"No, I wasn't, I eve-" she started, but was cut off by Ginny.

"Then why did you do it?! Really? Malfoy? I should be the one who portkeyed you out!" She shook her head, clearly disappointed on what Hermione did. She stood up and started pacing the room.

"He's one of them for Merlin's sake!" She shouted, running a hand through her hair.

"He's not... Dumbledore told us that he had no choice but to join them! We told you that!"

"But that doesn't mean you could go around kissing him! Bloody hell, he doesn't even know who you really are! I won't even doubt that he's planning right now how to shag you!"

"We already did..." She whispered before she can stop herself, and that quieted them all down. Actually it shut all their senses, She thought they were no longer breathing. Neville stood up from where he was sitting and walked out of the room.


"Save it Hermione. I thought you were supposed to be the logical one" He snapped and continued to walk out. Ginny was on his trail, when she looked back at her, her eyes were glassy from the tears that she was holding back, and there was betrayal written all over her face.

Hermione looked down at her feet and was waiting for Luna to also follow them, and then finally she heard the click of her door shutting and so she looked up expecting to see no one, but Luna never left the room and was now walking towards her. Luna grabbed Hermione and pulled her to her arms, she hugged her really tight and comforted Mione as she spilled all the tears.

One hour has passed when Hermione finally stopped crying, Luna stood up and headed for the bathroom. She soaked a towel and went to Mione to clean her face gently.

"Aren't you mad at me?" Granger managed to ask. She looked at her innocently and just shrugged. She finished cleaning Hermione off and placed the towel at her desk. The girl lay down on her bed and stretched out like a cat.

"I'm upset that you didn't actually tell me the first time you met him, but I heard you when you mumbled it" She started and Mione just looked at her, so she continued "but I knew this would happen eventually"

"Eventually? H-how did you know it would happen? Godric knows I didn't plan this" she asked, obviously dumbstruck on what Luna said. It happened just a week ago, Alexis shagged Malfoy the day she met him, couldn't spell bimbo anymore. And that was the day Luna and Neville came back and Ginny went missing, it was out of her mind to tell them she met Malfoy because of what happened with Gin, so how would Luna know?

"I've known it since I came to Hogwarts. The way he treats you... well it's very different on how he looks at you from far away." As if she can hear her mental question.

"Wh-what are you saying? That doesn't make sense. He hates me, loathes me. He called me a mudblood! And, point is, he had sex with Alexis not Hermione, he knows me as some pureblood Selwyn girl, not that mudblood know-it-all Hermione."

"Aren't Hermione and Alexis the same person? Just different looks? Aren't you those two girls?" She said with a quizzical face. Was it true? Malfoy did say that Alexis reminded him of Hermione, and when he said it he had a longing look in his face. If it was true, then Malfoy likes Hermione? No. Impossible. Hermione fought a battle with her mental self.

"I am... but, I mean...I'm... I don't know already."

"Well, you are the brightest witch of our age; I'll let you think about it okay?" She stood up and went for the door.

"Luna, thank you" she said and she smiled at her and pranced off, but before she did, she told Hermione to have a shower and go down for lunch that day and she will handle Neville and Ginny. So she did what she was told, Hermione took a long warm shower, her body was soon flushed from the heat of the water.

As Hermione was putting on her green shirt, a knock came from her door, she expected it to be Luna, but got a surprised when she saw Ginny outside. Hermione gestured to her to come in and she did. She let out a heavy breath and sat on the bed.

"Hermione, look, do you still love my brother?"

The question shocked her, She had loved Ron for so long and she couldn't imagine her life without him then. But now, she tried to imagine her future and all she can see was that connection with Draco, but she knows she love Ron.

"I will always love your brother Ginny..."

"But? Go on..."

"But, I think it's only as a friend. A-and I don't know what I feel about Malfoy. Of course I still will forever dislike him for all the wrong things and wrong choices he made but there's this feeling, just... I feel like I should be with him, like it was meant to be. I know it sounds unbelievably disturbing, but trust me I didn't plan for it to happen, it just did."

"Okay, I understand. That's how I felt about Ha... him. When he didn't notice my love for him at first, I swear I disliked him, so I went out with Dean, and you know the rest. But you, Hermione, have to know soon what you feel about him, because if my brother comes back, you'll be more confused." She said thoughtfully, and then continued.

"I know he'll be back Hermione, even if I don't know when, I just have a feeling that he's still alive."

"Me too, it's like I can still sense him."

"Hermione, I just want to tell you that I'm sorry for what I said, I didn't mean to judge, Luna told me you were confused too. And I could imagine why, Malfoy? Who would have guessed right?" She joked. And Hermione laughed wholeheartedly. She's right, who would have guessed that Hermione Jean Granger, will have feelings for Draco Lucius Malfoy?

They came down the stairs and saw that Luna was talking to Neville; if she didn't know better they already were an item. But since the war, Neville haven't told Luna that he likes her, afraid that if he did he might get turned down. But Hermione doubts that, and I think Luna already knows that Neville adores her; she's just waiting for him to tell her.

They looked at Hermione, and the guy stood up and looked at Luna, she nodded and then he walked towards the bushy brown haired girl.

"Mione, I'm sorry. I was just...confused. But whatever your decision will be I'll back you up. But don't expect me to fully accept what just happened, it's just I'm afraid you'll just get hurt, and I know you will get hurt. But I'll be there to hug you like this when that happened" He hugged Hermione and she returned it. Neville was the sweetest guy she ever known, she looked at him and smiled.

The four of them headed towards the dining area and sat at their chairs, Ginny on Hermione's side, Neville on her front and Luna sat on his side after serving them a dish that looks like a polyjuice potion with chunks of beef. Ginny and her stared at the food then looked at each other, Hermione just shrugged and they both gulped down a mouthful, IT WAS DELICIOUS!


[a/n: so what do you think? I would really appreciate it if you share this and comment here. the first to comment, well lets just say a dedication will be soon posted *wink wink, nudge nudge* 

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