Chapter 2: Flourish and Blotts

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THEY ALL BELONG TO J.K. ROWLING (and I'm happy with that)! 

but the plot is my idea, and other things that belongs to me. 

Thanks for reading! 


The street once full of laughing and noisy people, colourful shops and hooting owls, is now a street of black and white. Well they all still wear different color of robes but the aura of the alley was no longer fun and inviting, it was more implying fear and loneliness.

Hermione walked briskly to the bookstore, head down, making sure she doesn't bump to anyone, and as she heard the chimes ring as the doors open, she found her lips curl up in a relieving smile, the smell of old books always did make her feel relax.

"Ms. Gra.." Hermione eyed her thoughtfully, and smiled as the owner of the shop continued correctly

"Ms. Selwyn! How nice of you to visit again." The old lady smile at her so warmly that she was almost tempted to jump up and hug her, but she resisted.

"Good morning Mrs. Walker, I'm here to pick up the book I told you about."

"Sure my child, it is already..." she trails off as she tries to find the charms book Hermione was asking about. Mrs. Walker is one of the very few people who know who she really is, she figured it out all by herself, and she told Hermione that she was the only one who smiles ever so sweet whenever she comes in her store since Hermione was a child, so she knew already who Mione was even after her appearance changed.

"Oh dear..." the old lady sighed, Hermione’s eyes looked at her as she continued to talk "I think I left it in the back, I'll go ahead and get it." Mione nodded as a reply, and watched her as she slowly waddled her way to the back.

A few seconds passed, Granger’s feet started to wander off and her hands started trailing the edges of the books, she instantly grabbed a book that poked a soft spot in her heart, it was Hogwarts: A History. Whatever happens, this will always be her comfort book, her guilty pleasure. it was one of the few she first read when Professor McGonagall told her she was a witch.

"Hogwarts: A History?" A sudden cold and, what was it, it was sort of, yeah, husky voice whispering just behind her left ear, that she squealed and dropped the said book. Hermione turned around to snap at the rude guy but she felt herself freeze, like someone casted the Petrificus Totalus at her, when the glazed grey eyes met her newly emerald ones.

He knelt down and picked up the book, his eyes never leaving hers, Hermione gulped down a scream that was rising from her throat, and prevented her legs from running away, not that she could, she was stunned. He slowly got up and dusted the cover, his hand that was holding the book raised and was now extended towards her. Mione forced herself to take the book, reminding herself to breath at the same time. His eyes never left hers, and because of the bloody Gryffindor pride of her, so did she.

His lips then produced his signature smirk and visibly relaxed, Hermione willed her eyes to look down, but she can't... she won't. He looks the same, but now there was more confidence in his posture, coldness in his eyes, and...should I say it, sexiness that is being expressed in his stance.

"I don't believe we've met... I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." He extended his other hand to her and smiled so proudly.

"My nam..."

"Ms. Selwyn! Oh, there you are." Mrs. Walker exclaimed, but her eyes darted off to the guy in front of Hermione and her head immediately bowed down like he was a king.

"Good morning Mr. Malfoy" the old lady's voice was shaking, and her hands were noticeably trembling.

"Mrs. Walker..." Hermione started, but Malfoy pulled the older woman straight back up and smiled warmly. What the? Draco smiling like that? Hermione shook her head slightly, clearly, Voldemort is doing something wrong to his followers.

"Mrs. Walker, I'm not like them, I don't propose myself as king nor prince. I told you already a lot of times, didn't I?" His voice somehow hushed so that Hermione can’t hear it. It was not like when he was talking to the young witch, like she was a prey and he was a predator, no. This voice sounded more like a son talking to his mom, and with that, the old lady nodded and looked at him then to Hermione kindly.

"Here you go miss." Mrs. Walker turned to Hermione, handing the charms book she ordered, she reached out and got it and put it inside her bag. Hermione was about to pay her when Malfoy cleared his throat, making the both ladies look up at him as he handed a bag of galleons to the store owner. The old lady then nodded and walked away, leaving the young ones both in an awkward silence.

"You didn't have to..." Hermione whispered, not knowing if he heard it or not, but he did because when she looked at him again one of his eyebrows were raised and his eyes showed off a determined look.

"I know... I just wanted to." He answered with a little shrug. "So..your name?" His tone seemed curious, what was she supposed to do now? She just can't run away he'll be too intrigued as off why. So she let out all her Gryffindor courage and said "I'm Alexis Gaile Selwyn, daughter of Alexander and Ghade Selwyn" her voice sounded so practiced even to her own ears that she was afraid he would notice but if he did, he didn't show it.

"A pleasure to meet you Ms. Selwyn" he replied, that smirk appearing again on his face. "A pleasure indeed." He continued with his predator like tone, making all the hair on Hermione’s back wake up as she looked into his grey eyes. She couldn't find any coherent words to answer, so she just stood there nodded like any other girl that fawned over him.


[author's note: so just a bit of info, Mrs. Walker is someone I invented, because I can't find a name that goes with the manager of Flourish and Blotts in the series. Also, Alexander and Ghade Selwyn are made up characters as well, for the same reason that I can't find the names of the Selwyn Family. so how do you like it so far? you don't? *sniff sniff* oh well! better tolerate me! hahahaha! ♥jaijai]

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