Chapter 4: A Chance Meeting

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I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE CHARACTERS NOR HARRY POTTER THE SERIES, THEY ALL BELONG TO J.K. ROWLING (and I'm happy with that)! but the plot is my idea, and other things that belongs to me. 



Hermione was pacing around the whole five minutes that it took for Mrs. Weasley to owl her back, she was expecting good news but clearly it wasn't a great day.

"First meeting Malfoy, and now this." Hermione said in a low voice, though Luna picked it up and stared at her with wonder and worry in her eyes, she smiled at her, reassuring her that she was okay. It's not her she should be worrying about of course. She had changed her appearance again, as she was getting ready to go out and try to find Ginny.

When she got the letter, it only stated their fear, she read aloud.

Dear Hermione,

Ginevra isn't here and I doubt she has plans to go back here any time soon. Why are you asking dear? Is everything alright? Owl me as soon as you can, I expect Errol to be there to wait for your reply.

Love, Mrs. Molly Weasley

PS: oh and dear, do eat a lot. I know you.

"She's not there." she said, stating the obvious. Alexis ran a hand through her hair which doesn't get stuck in the middle now without her bushy curls, anxiety starting to rise again from within her, she didn't know until Neville held her now shaking hands.

"We'll find her Mione, we always did, and this is not something new" he said. It was true, ever since Har... the incident happened, Ginny made them look worse than the parents who over reacted when their children get lost in malls, and find them loitering in some near corner after a few minutes. No, Ginny was more stubborn in her hiding places, they found her once in front of Dumbledore's graveyard screaming at the poor tombstone, then at Hagrid's new place in Romania, sipping tea with her older brother Charlie Weasley (he had to leave his cottage, well you know the reason), then the last time she did this they found her in the Forbidden Forest chatting with a giant named Burbock.

Now, where could she be?

As Neville and Luna brainstorm about places she could go, Alexis quickly wrote a letter back to Mrs. Weasley because Errol, their owl was already here hooting loudly, clearly getting impatient, she scribbled that Ginny was in her travelling mode again and they are now trying to look for her. She gave the owl a treat before knotting the parchment at his leg, he then hooted in response and flew away.

"So, where should we start?" Luna asked.

"I think it's better if we split up, and look for places she wouldn't normally go, or houses that she is emotionally connected with, may it be good or bad" Alexis suggested.

Looking at them, it seems they both agree and without any hesitation all of them made their way out, and soon going to different paths.

Of course, Alexis thought of going to anywhere connected to Harry, first to his...grave, then to Dursleys' house in the muggle community, then in the Black residence, but no such luck, she wasn't there nor any trace of her being there.

It was about noon already and the sun was right up in the sky, Alexis removed her robe and carefully tucked it away in her purse, the one she enchanted during their horcruxes hunt, she fished out of the bag the necklace with the Selwyn family crest on it and put it around her neck. Better let people know about her blood status and family name, so they won't suspect her. People now-a-days has a funny way to stab everyone in the back, Parvati Patil is a good example, she ratted out the old house of Seamus to the Death Eaters. Alexis shook her head at the memory of that day.

Not realizing she was already walking, Alexis found herself looking at a red-headed girl, namely Ginevra Weasley, looking expectantly at a huge house in front of her. Alexis gasped when she remembered which house was that, she started running towards the girl before she does anything stupid.

Shoving a coin in her hand, which was a portkey, and saying "Petunia", Ginny quickly disappeared and was already out of harms way and safely in the arms of Mrs. Weasley, she hoped. But she couldn't say the same to herself.

"You following me?" The familiar cocky voice of Draco Malfoy got her clenching her fist as she turned around to see him opening the gates of their manor.

"Gypsie, my house elf, told me there was a girl in front of our house, I'm surprised to see you. But you're not redhead, the elf must be blind." He hushed himself at the last sentence, tucking away his wand at the right pocket of his slacks.

"Oh, you've mistaken," his brow hitched up when Alexis started "I wasn't following you, I was just passing by, and maybe your elf saw me wearing my red robes earlier, I just removed it, that's why I stopped here." she said, defending the poor elf who's serving this arrogant ferret.

He nodded, but she was pretty sure he wasn't buying anything she was saying, he had this look of wary in his eyes, and his stance changed from being relaxed to ready.

"Do you live near here? I haven't seen you here before" he asked, his tone was like of an auror questioning a suspect that Alexis prevented herself from rolling her eyes.

"I just moved here, when I knew Voldemort won, I had to." Alexis used her oh-so-sweet she's so innocent tone, and she carefully tucked away some strands of her hair in the back of her left ear, to give of a flirtatious vibe.

"You're a follower?" He asked as if it's the biggest gossip in the whole wizard community.

"Aren't all purebloods? Especially if you have Umbridge as a relative, she quite fancy him" Alexis countered jokingly. And he laughed so heartily that she was stunned, She never saw Malfoy laughed like this, and she couldn't help but join in, that was the first time she laughed purely too, and with Malfoy of all people!

What was happening to her?


[author's note: I still don't know where this is going, but I'm just sailing with the waves right now, so please bear with me. any suggestions or comments will be highly appeciated! ♥jaijai]

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