Chapter 19

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Draco has been visiting the street where he saw Granger every single day after that happened. He would always tell himself during mornings that Granger wouldn't be there cause she knows that he has seen her at that place, she wasn't Granger for nothing. But his hope that she would be there would always weigh more than the other.

'Damn it! It's been five days. I told you she wouldn't be here' he scolded his self.

He was really pissed, he thought a million times of the incident and what if he used his magic to get to her and so on. But there is nothing he could do now, unless he had a time turner, which he doesn't. Draco sighed heavily, his eyes then scanned his surroundings again, hoping for the bushy haired girl to appear, and found a very familiar couple at the diner he had his breakfast that day.

"The Grangers?" He mumbled, before getting a closer look on the old couple. Well, this was a development. If he wasn't going to see Hermione, then Hermione will come see him.

Throughout the morning, he followed the Grangers where ever they had gone, until he found out where they are living now. It was a beautiful bungalow with brown and beige coloured walls. A garden that he was sure the couple had taken care of, and there was a cat that he found familiar as well.

Draco went home with an accomplished smirk plastered on his face. It was afternoon already when he sat on his couch, resting his aching feet, and a firewhiskey at hand. He sighed contentedly and took a gulp of his drink.

"What are you so happy about?" Theo looked at the smirking Malfoy and grabbed himself a drink as well.

"Because I found some...thing very important"

"Care to elaborate?"

Draco shook his head and grinned at the guy. He continued drinking his firewhiskey, while the other one bombarded him questions on what he found. Draco laughed him off, earning a cowl from Theo, and soon he realize there was someone missing.

"Where is Blaise?"

"I don't know Malfoy, he has been out since before noon, hadn't come back since."

"Where do you think he'd gone?"

"Well I have bet on Selwyn's room"

Draco fought the urge to flinch and frown at the guy across him. There was still something about Selwyn that reminds him so much of Granger. He doesn't know what it is, but her mere presence feels the same whenever Granger walks in the classroom during their Hogwarts time.

"Yeah, maybe" he mumbled.


Blaise was looking at the Gryffindor Princess with such betrayal in his eyes. He could feel the girl's tremble from where he is, 10 feet away from her. He was so mad at her for deceiving him, he was so mad at himself for not even noticing, and he was so mad because he doesn't know what to do. His first instinct was to bind her and give her to Voldemort, but he couldn't bring himself to do it.

"You lying deceiving bitch" he uttered softly, but with extreme venom in his voice.

Hermione couldn't help the tears that were now flowing down her cheeks, he was a friend now to her, and she just betrayed him. She couldn't help but feel like she just broke him, even though she knew that he was Zabini, a follower of Voldemort, she had became close to him, and trusted him. But she didn't return the same trust, and now she was paying for it.

"Get your wand." She heard him say. Hermione didn't move a muscle, she was too afraid on what he had in mind.

"Get your wand!!" He shouted at her. Mione then shuddered and quickly got her wand. Her trembling fingers betraying her determined look that she now gave him. She tried firming her hand and placed it on her sides as she watched Zabini raise his and point it at her.

I Surrender (A Dramione Story) *ON HOLD*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora