Chapter 8: Distraction

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but the plot is my idea, and other things that belongs to me. 

Thanks for reading! 


A month has passed since the last time Hermione went out of the house. After that event with Malfoy, all the courage that she had was swept away, she can't afford to see him in reality, and her dreams have already been haunted by him every day. She thinks she's going mad.

Luna, Neville and Ginny have to do all the outside chores now, including her weekly visit to Flourish and Blotts, they learned how to charm their appearance to distort and become unrecognizable. In return, she'll be the one doing all the chores in the house. But Luna has been very firm about keeping her place as their cook, so she gladly gave that to her.

She had this morning routine down now, wake up, change her appearance to Alexis in case she has to go out fast, clean her room, and then the rest of the house.

As Alexis was sweeping the floor, muggle way, an owl furiously tapped at the window, hooting very loudly. With a reluctant sigh, she opened the window and the owl dropped the letter to her feet, then the creature rested in the armchair near the seeds she gives to the owls. Please be good, please be good news. She tears off the seal and her heart dropped when she read the one word in the letter.


It was from Seamus. This could only mean one thing, they have been found by the Death Eaters. His father will be sent to Azkaban, or worst, death. And Seamus? He'll be next.

Running quickly upstairs to her room, she immediately put on her robe and sent out a fastly scribbled letter to Ginny about what just happened and that she was about to go there and help out, she tied the parchment to the owl's leg and toss him away. Alexis apparated outside to the nearest point towards the Finnigan's house, when she got there she scanned her surroundings and there were about six to seven Death Eaters surrounding the house, and she saw a very familiar face, Blaise Zabini nodding his head towards the house, like he was confirming that this was the place.

Think Hermione think. I can't just go marching there and go inside the house, they will quickly grab me, and I'm quite outnumbered. I can't fight them, they will kill me, and with that I can't save Seamus and his family. I have to distract them, it's the only way. But how?

I have to do this, yes. That will be a big distraction; they will not be able to ignore it.

"Finite Incantatem" Alexis casted, pointing to her face, to her hair, to her eyes and even to her skin. Now, she is back to the old her, bushy haired, olive skin, and brown eyes.

I'm Hermione Jean Granger and I'm going to be the distraction.

"Hey boys!" she shouted as she stepped out of the alley. "Zabini" she nodded towards him. Oh, the look in their faces! Finally seeing the last of the Golden Trio, and the most wanted of all. Hermione gave them a meaningful smirk and a little twirl and wiggled her eyebrows a bit when she was facing them again.

"Granger, nice to see you again" he purred, stepping towards the witch cautiously, like she was some sort of figment of their imagination, and she could vanish away easily if he mistook one step.

"I wish I could say the same Zabini, but I won't. You see, I don't associate myself with guys like you"

"Like me? What's that suppose to mean? Someone hot? Because Potty and Weasel were anything but that were they?"

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