Chapter 5: Library

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THEY ALL BELONG TO J.K. ROWLING (and I'm happy with that)! 

but the plot is my idea, and other things that belongs to me. 


"Would you like to come in?" Malfoy offered to Alexis.

It was just a simple question, not a lot of commitments if she said yes, there's no harm if she came in right? They didn't know she was Hermione Granger, they didn't even know who Alexis Selwyn is, so she wouldn't be in trouble, She have her wand with her, and a spare portkey if ever.

"Sure." she answered eventually.

Little did they know that they just sealed their faith at that precise moment.

He opened the gates for her and offered his arm; Alexis took it like any pureblood would graciously do and walked towards the door. She prevented herself from trembling and running away, since the last time she was here she was tortured by Bellatrix Lestrange, the scar she gave her was still there in her arm she just hide it both with a strong glamour and heavy foundation.

"You okay?" Turning his head towards the lady, she looked back at him and gave him a smile, a little nod there to be sure. But inside of her, she was worse than okay, worse than worse, she was nervous and scared. The trauma it left her was still here. He kept glancing at her after that, she tried to count it but she lose track when she was at 12.

Suck it up Granger!  She thought to herself, mentally slapping herself to focus and play it cool.

Malfoy led her to the living room and sat down in a long couch; she sat at the one-person couch opposite to him, and was given a confused look by him.

"What?" Alexis asked him. He just replied with a shrug. So she tried again

"What? You looked at me like I did something wrong! So tell me what it is."

"It's nothing Granger."

Her jaw dropped, and her eyes widened, and her heart quickened like ninety times its normal pace all at the same time.

"D-did you... w-what did you just call me?" Alexis stuttered.

"What? I called you by your name" he sounded pissed off at me, by letting him repeat himself.

"No, I'm Alexis Gaile Selwyn, and you just called me Granger." she explained to him, as a response he looked down at his shoes and muttered a few curses then looked straight back at the girl across from her.

"I'm sorry Alexis, you just remind me so much about her." He paused, she noticed something flickered in his eyes but was instantly changed by annoyance "Not that she matters of course." He added fastly.

"You like her?" she challenged, of course he'll say no, for goodness sake, it was me we are talking about, well the other me, Granger that is, she thought to herself.

"Merlin no!" See, I told you, she argued with her mental self.

"Who would like a stubborn mudblood, know-it-all, and beaver, bushy-haired like her?" He hissed every word with disgust, as he leaned forward to her, that she flinched. She was used to be called by different names already, but when he said that, it made her look at herself lower than she already is. Alexis didn't have the guts to answer back at his question, so she stood up and looked around.

"May I use the bathroom?" she said softly.

"Sure, it's down the hall to the left." He pointed to his right where another hall is; Alexis murmured thanks and tried to find her way to the rest room.

Opening the first door on her left, she felt through the wall and flicked on the lights, no, it's not the bathroom, it was a library! 

"Oh my..." Alexis gasped at the sight, there were tower of books all around and in the middle of the room and it soared high up to the ceiling. There were some books floating and flying around, and there were some who were growling.

Alexis entered the room, forgetting about what she felt earlier and just admired the quality and quantity of the books in this library. She scanned through the shelves one by one, and saw at the middle of the room, near the middle bookshelf was a study table only for one.

Could it be Draco's?

Alexis looked at the books on the table, and her heart stopped when she saw what he was currently reading and on what page. Hogwarts: A History page 478. The exact book, the exact page, both her favourites, that page tells about the ceiling of Hogwarts, how it was enchanted to look like the night sky. She remembered her first night at Hogwarts, the day of the sorting when...

"This isn't the bathroom, you know?" An amused voice echoed through the walls, she smiled as she looked at him over her shoulder.

"I was charmed by the books, they got a lot more appeal than you." she winked as she joked.

"Is that so?" His tone was challenging and predator like. He closed the door and took a step towards her, his face looked mischievous, like some kid who has a plan to steal a candy from a friend; she immediately took a step back.

"Yes. I mean maybe that's why that Granger girl always reads books, we both have the same fantasies" her voice turning into something seductive as she smirked. All that time, Malfoy walked a few more steps and was now towering over her, he tilted his head from side to side, then gazed at her emerald orbs with the most intense gray eyes she have ever seen.

There was hunger, lust, and something else she couldn't put a finger on that were creeping in his eyes, it was like he was mentally stripping her out of her clothes, and touching every bit of me. Alexis gulped down her nervousness (and soakness) and looked straight back at him.

That's when it hit her, a sort of lightning sting, like being stupefied, and fierce bond, like...not Incendio, more like letting out a Fiendfyre to two persons who are being bound to each other.

"Draco..." she whispered, contemplating if she could ask if he felt that to, but there was actually no need, because the moment their eyes met again she could practically feel that he did too.

Before she could think of rationalizing what happened, his hand was on her head and waist pulling her closer to him, closing any gap between them, and his lips were on her lips.


[author's note: i know, cliff hanger. hold on tight! its just that, i don't know how to continue it. hahahaha! let me just think and i'll update soon! ♥jaijai]

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