Chapter 20

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Hermione couldn't believe what she was hearing nor seeing. It was a good thing her mouth was blocked and she can't move, because if not she might have gone insane and scream and slap their heads off. This has to be a joke or a very weird, twisted, impossible dream. Two guys, Slytherins at that, the ones who if she might voice out were the ones who tormented, bullied and wrecked her school years, death eaters, tried to hex and kill her a couple of times, and sons of the two loyal families who follow Voldemort. Blaise Zabini and Draco Malfoy just admitted at the same day that they her. The whole world might have gone upside down, or maybe she have gone crazy, or...or...or what?

She might have considered to understand Zabini's...feelings, because it was for who he knew to be her, Alexis, if she wasn't that his feelings would have never sprouted. But Malfoy's? It's impossible, like completely bollocks! How could someone, a person who loathed her since first year, who teased and called her names that wasn't supposed to be use in civilised conversations, who cursed her blood more than anything else, and who considered her a pest, an abomination, a rival, an enemy, and a person who isn't even suppose to exist in the same world as his, have feelings for her? Oh Gods, it's utter nonsense!

But how could she explain what was happening around her? It is mental, but why would they say it? Hermione thought it over a million times, shutting away the voices of the two guys in the room, and ignoring the pain of the ropes. She thought of the million possibilities that could be the reason why they were confessing this absurd...thing for her.

While a storm was happening inside Hermione's mind, Zabini and Malfoy was having a typhoon of their own. They were both contemplating if what the other said was true, how true was it, and by how much, that it came to the point where they were glaring at each other as if they were sizing up who is more powerful.

Of course, Draco had that smirk plastered on his face, he was the only one who wasn't bound by any ropes, and he was the only one who could release them.

Blaise was grinning as well, he thought of the times he has been civil towards Selwy...Granger, and that was, surely, big points for him, and zero points for the blonde heaad because he never did try to be friends with her.

Draco was twirling around his wand in front of Blaise as if to point out his advantage, but Zabini didn't even count it. Then a sudden realization came to Malfoy, he stopped playing with his wand and looked seriously at the other guy. Blaise didn't know what was happening to Malfoy's head, even if he tried Legilimens, he was great at Occlumency, so he just looked at Malfoy, confusion clearly in his eyes.

"Where is Selwyn?" Malfoy asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Zabini, where is Alexis? She's a relative of Umbridge, if she knew Granger was here-"

"She is here Malfoy"

"What? Where? I should obliviate her now."

"I thought you were second in our class, next to Granger?"

"What is that supposes to mean?" Draco's patience was running out.

"It's like one plus one. Where are we, why is Granger here of all places, why this room?"

"They're comrades?!"

"Are you dumb? Alexis said she was a follower of Voldemort right? A pureblood, why would she team up with this girl?" Nodding his head towards the lost in herself girl a couple of feet away from them.

"Just spit it out Zabini!"

"They are one! Selwyn and Granger is the same person!"


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