Chapter 25

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Hermione was in her hotel room kitchen, preparing various fruits for her guest. She plated up with few garnishes and proceeded to her dining area where Draco was currently staring somewhere, when he heard her footsteps, he quickly composed himself and placed a smirk on his face.

”Who would have thought that someday The Hermione Granger would be serving me?”

Hermione raised a brow and huffed, before putting the plate down and sat across from him in the round table. She didn’t say a word about his comment and grabbed a few grapes for her own.

”No ’you arrogant prat’?” he said in his best high pitched voice making the girl laugh and shook her head.

”I don’t sound like that.”

”Yeah, you do.”

”No, I don’t. When did I ever sound like that?”

”Everyday, what? Do you like more the ’you foul, loathsome, evil, little cockroach’ line?”

”You were really a foul, loathsome, evil, little cockroach” she said in a matter-of-fact tone.

”So I’m not anymore?” a grin forming in his lips. ”You said ’were’ not ’are’”

Hermione was about to respond when an owl hooted and pecked on her window. She hurriedly stood up and opened the window. The owl flew in and landed on the round table, it looked up to Hermione and then pecked a grape as a treat. The witch then untied the two letters attached and noticed that one was from Professor McGonagall and the other was from Luna.

”Well, aren’t you going to open it?”

”I will, just as soon as...”

”As I leave?”

”I did not say that.”

”You were about to.”

”I wasn’t”

”Go ahead and read it, I’m going to leave.”

”That wasn’t what  I was going to say”

”I don’t care Granger, just read it, it might be from Weaselboy or someone.”

Hermione stood there frozen, her hands trembled as she gripped her letters far too tight for her hands’ safety. She was sure that the papers with neat handwriting on them are now crumpled. A glare emerged on her face and her before pale cheeks were now reddened with anger.

“Get out. Right. Now.” she said with a hiss.

Draco was taken aback on how Hermione reacted to him, he knew he stepped on a landmine, he knew that he was on the verge of becoming the little cockroach they were talking about earlier. He should have just shut his big mouth, he should just say sorry now before their building friendship be ruined because of his words. But no, his pride was much bigger than his mouth, so he turned around with a glare of his own and walked towards the door, a few steps away, he looked over his shoulder back at her.

“That's how much you miss Weasley? How pathetic of you.”

“GET THE HELL OUT!” Hermione shouted at him, her finger pointed at the door.

Draco did this time, and slammed the door as he went out. He then let out a loud exhale and ran his fingers through his hair. “Damn it,” he mumbled to himself. He should have just swallowed his own fist than say those words. He walked out of the hotel and went to their place. Reaching it, he walked fast to his bedroom, not even bothering to entertain the looks given to him by Blaise and Theo.

The two guys at the living room were confused, they looked at Draco then to each other then back to Draco who just slammed the door of his bedroom shut. Theo shrugged at Blaise confusing look and patted his shoulder.

I Surrender (A Dramione Story) *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now