Chapter 29

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After a long warm bath, Hermione grabbed her bathrobe and wrapped it around herself. She then went to look for Draco around her room and found him by the fireplace, sitting on the couch with a glass of champagne. There was a table set up at the middle and she saw that there was food already on it.

“You cooked?”

Draco turned his head towards the direction of her voice quickly, and then just stared at her. His eyes scanning her from head to toe, he gulped heavily before turning to face the fire again.

“No, I got Frilla to cook for us. Go get yourself dressed Granger.” He said, his voice sounding so mono-toned.

Hermione walked towards the table, inhaling the food’s scent. Frilla prepared a caesar’s salad with oven-cooked ribs on the side. It was so enticing and Hermione couldn’t help her stomach from growling. Draco raised a brow at her when he heard it and a grin appeared on his lips.

“I’m hungry.” She simply stated.

“I can hear that.”

Hermione rolled her eyes at him, and made her way to seat on the floor across him. Draco inhaled loudly, and a scowl appeared on his face. Hermione looked up at him confused, she raised a brow at him as if waiting  for him to speak up.

“I swear Granger. Go and get yourself dressed right now.” He said as he closed his eyes. “I have self-control, but you’re pushing me way too far by sitting there, crossing your legs with nothing but that robe on.”

Her cheeks reddened as soon as she heard what he said and she scrambled up, making the sleeves of her robe fall off of her right shoulder. She quickly walked towards her luggage and pulled out a very comfortable onesie. She dressed herself up and went back to where Draco was and when she sat down again at the floor, she could hear the snort Draco just made.

“What now?”

“Nothing... It’s just a good thing you’re Granger, that’s all.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” she glared  at him.

“If it were any other girl, they would have worn a skimpy little outfit, but you...” he motioned his hand to her pajamas. “Thank you for bringing me back my self-control.” He laughed after.

“Well, it’s my pleasure that I’m not like other girls Malfoy. Don’t compliment yourself.”

“Nah.. I’m waiting for you to do it.” That Malfoy smirk plastered on his face.

Hermione ignored him and grabbed a fork to start eating  her salad. He did the same and remained silent. None of them was talking, all they can hear were their forks and the crunching sounds of the romaine in their mouths.

“Aren’t you going to ask me what happened?” Hermione was the one to break the silence, though she didn’t look up to see his reaction.

“Are you going to tell me if I asked?”

Hermione shrugged, pausing for a minute before looking up at him. “I freaked out.”

“Everybody freaks out. But not everyone breaks down that bad Granger.”

She nodded her head, understanding what he meant. Hermione looked up, closed her eyes, and sighed heavily. Draco followed her movements with his eyes, he couldn’t help but stare a little bit longer on her neck and he had to look away before his mind get riled up with ideas to do with that smooth neck.

“I’m starting to forget, I think I’ve already forgotten.” She whispered.

Draco was’t sure what she meant so he waited for her to continue talking. Hermione looked back at him, as if she was struggling on what she should or should not say.

“I think I’ve forgotten myself.”


“Yeah, my beliefs, my foundation, what I’m fighting for, what I’m living for. I think I’ve forgotten all that makes me Hermione. All of these years, all I ever did was look for everyone who might still be alive, look for people who will be willing to fight with us, but I never stopped to see if I still have myself with me. Now, I think I’ve forgotten her.”

“Well, you’re Hermione Jean Granger.”

Hermione rolled her eyes at him, shaking her head. I told him everything seriously, and that’s what he says? She thought to herself.

“You’re still the Brightest Witch of our Age” he continued.  “You’re a Gryffindor.”

“That’s not what I meant by forgetting.” She shook her head, feeling disappointed that he couldn’t get what she was saying.

But Draco didn’t stop, he stood up and went towards her, he sat down beside her and placed his hands on her thighs making her body shift facing him. He scoot closer, and held her hands, soft enough that she could pull her hands back if she wanted to, and Draco waited for it to happen, but it didn’t. He took that as a sign that he could go on.

“You’re a stubborn bookish girl back then, and a more stubborn , still bookish, but a lady now.”

Hermione stared at him, she was in awe. His words slowly crawling on to her, like it was coming from his hands and transferring to hers.

“You’re the girl who was trapped in the girl’s bathroom and had a troll coming after her.”

She laughed lightly as she remembered that time in their first year, that time the trio officially started. That moment Harry and Ron saved her from the nasty troll.

“You’re the girl who got petrified by the basilisk hidden at the Chamber of Secrets, but still even though you were petrified, you were the one who helped everyone to know what that monster was.”

Hermione shuddered at that memory, that was one terrifying snake, it was a good thing she found out earlier before she was targeted.

“You’re the girl who had the audacity to punch me in the face.”

“I will gladly do it again.” She grinned at him.

“I know.” He smirked right back at her.

“What else am I?”

“Well... you’re the girl who made that idiot of a hard head Viktor Krum soften up. And so you would actually know, I think that’s the reason why they lost the World Cup.”

Hermione gaped at him, but before she could say anything, Draco continued on.

“You’re the girl who founded Dumbledore’s Army.”

“With Harry and Ron.”

Draco nodded,  though she was sure he didn’t care about that.

“You’re the girl who sacrificed it all for Potter, even obliviating her own parents. Enduring Bellatrix’ torture, and fighting for the good side until you die.”

“I didn’t do it just for Harry, I did it for everyone I love, for everyone they love.”

“And that’s you. You’re the girl who lost everything, but still you will do everything you can for the people who are still alive. Who you think deserves justice. You’ll fight until everything is balanced, everyone is at the same level. No discrimination, no judgment.”

Hermione smiled at him, giving his hands a squeeze. She couldn’t believe that she would find herself with the help of this man before her, Draco Malfoy. She still has  a lot to know about him, and for the  first time in her life, she really wanted to know who Draco was. Why he did  what he did, why he ‘s helping her, why he seems different now, completely different from when they were in Hogwarts, and why is he still on the dark side. She looked at him, more interested than before.

“Oh, one last thing.”

“What is  it?”

“You’re the girl I’m in love with. You don’t believe me now, but I’ll show you everyday to prove it to you.” he said with so much conviction.

“I dare you to.”

I Surrender (A Dramione Story) *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now