Chapter 1: Start of the day

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THEY ALL BELONG TO J.K. ROWLING (and I'm happy with that)! 

but the plot is my idea, and other things that belongs to me. 

Thanks for reading! 


Hermione let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and leaned back at the recently closed door. She regretted immediately everything she said as soon as it left her mouth, but Ginny had to hear that, she had to.

Looking at her wrist watch, she started to think of things she had to do now. 7:30am, it's still early to owl Mrs. Weasley, even though she knows the old woman is already awake. Seriously, that woman hasn't had a decent sleep since the... incident, they all haven't, but the poor mother practically lost three sons.

Another sigh came out of Mione’s lips as she reach for her wand on top of her desk beside a picture of Harry, Ron and her having butterbeers in the Three Broomsticks, it was taken a few days before christmas of their fourth year. It was just 3 years ago, yet she felt so much older than that, she feels more tired since then.

Hermione placed her wand in the holster at her right thigh and walked to the bathroom to wash her face. By the sink was a mirror, and everyday she looks at her reflection and think who's that girl with the shoulder length almond and blonde-streaked wavy hair with that emerald green eyes, and a skin so fair that it would challenge the whitest of snow? Oh yeah, that was her. The bushy full brown coloured hair and brown eyed girl was gone, she had to leave cause she isn't safe here anymore, and this, this girl that is reflected has to replace her, she had to change herself.

With a few enchantments and spells, this is Hermione now, and outside of this little house she is no longer the muggle-born Granger, she is known outside as Alexis Gaile Selwyn, a very far pureblood relative of Dolores Umbridge, though she thinks Umbridge knows it’s not true, she doesn't question it either when Hermione registered her new name at the Gringotts because now the old hag has proof that she is also a pureblood. But Umbridge is no fool, she tried cornering Hermione once at the Leaky Cauldron but as Hermione duplicated the real family crest of the Selwyns in a necklace she was wearing and showed it to her, she has no proof of her being otherwise.

"I'm offering you a place to stay my dear, as I know that the Selwyn Manor no longer stands near this place, and I wouldn't want a..." her lips pursed as she finds the right word to describe Hermione, and when she did, she said it through gritted teeth 

"relative... of mine to live nowhere" she said with a fake smile plastered on her face.

"Thank you for the offer, but I have a childhood friend living in the next town and she already offered me a place and I said yes." Hermione faked a smile as well and bid her farewell to the older witch who was staring at her, Umbridge’s mouth open as she gaped at Mione’s answer but she doesn't know why.

Blinking at her reflection in the mirror, Hermione looked at her sides and exhaled when she realized, thankfully, that she was still at the bathroom. She began to dab her face with powder, which was becoming her morning routine, and brushed her hair easily. A little amount of pink tint for her cheeks to look as if she is blushing and a full red lips was the final touch to her new look. Hermione stared at herself for another minute and scurried off to change her pyjamas to something more or less appropriate for a pureblood.

Hermione put on a baby blue dress that ends just before her knee, giving better access to her wand and it makes her easier to run. This dress was buttoned at the front giving emphasis to her breast as it hugs her like second skin at this part. Then she grabbed one of the robes that she charmed to have the Selwyn crest at the upper part of her right chest. This should do it, she'll only be visiting Flourish and Blotts to buy a certain book about charms and spells.

Going downstairs, the said witch headed towards the fireplace and filled her hand with enough floo powder.

"Diagon Alley!" she said loudly and clearly before she let go of the powder and felt that familiar pull as the flames covered her body.


[author's note: well, what do you think? too slow for dramione parts? dont worry! it'll be coming soon *cough* next chapter *cough* hahaha! I'll update as soon as I can. :) comment and vote! ♥jaijai]

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